DJ says what he really wants to do is sing. Zak and Panzee's arguing gets too much for Drum and Tang, so they decide to leave them to it and go to the glade, where DJ introduces the Grimethorpe Colliery Band - a brass band. She wants them to be real. The ZingZillas all scratch their heads, trying to come up with a solution. It transpires that Todd has run out of room so Zak suggests he moves into the clubhouse with the ZingZillas. The Big Coconut Adventure. The dreamy sound of the harp gives Tang an idea! He plays a gentle piece of music followed by a more upbeat, funky and jazzy piece. Todd couldn't find them anywhere but the Beach Byrds managed to find the Moaning Stones and their way to the glade, where they watched a gamelan performance. Tang tries to tell Drum but when he says Big Night Zing she dashes off in excitement. But Drum is sad. When DJ explains that this style of music is called oompah because of the sound the tuba makes, Tang suddenly realises that the twisty thing Todd gave him is in fact a tuba - not a vase or a fruit bowl. The ZingZillas gather together in the clubhouse. The ZingZillas gather together in the clubhouse to rehearse the beatboxing song. The ZingZillas enjoy watching a flamenco performance with Spanish guitar and a flamenco dancer. But when they switch the TV on, Todd is not there! Soon Zak has loads of hat ideas for the hat song, but Todd still hasn't found his thinking hat. The ZingZillas happily play along while Granite and Gravel sing, but when they have finished Granite and Gravel aren't happy. Drum wants to play on the beach. DJ explains that electric guitars are loud so that they can play in large places. She thinks it is a great instrument for the Big Zing and rushes back to tell the others. Without the Beach Byrds, though, the ZingZillas think the coconut hut is too quiet so they move to the glade where they watch James Knight playing saxophone. The others explain it is a place where you go to see your favourite films. Todd offers to build him a clubhouse of his own. Eventually the ZingZillas give up. Tang and Drum love them. Having seen a full-size orchestra in the Glade, the ZingZillas return to the Coconut Hut to compete against each other in the Big Quiz. Without the castanets there can be no Big Zing, so Todd sets out to find them one more time. Zak thinks that Panzee will love the music. The ZingZillas gather together in the clubhouse to play ZingZilla Rock 'n' Rollin'. Just then they hear Granite calling to them from across the Island. Zak decides that the ZingZillas should start the day with some exercise. Suddenly they hear wonderful operatic singing coming from Todd's cave - it's Todd! However Todd soon finds out there is no problem at the hut and moves on. The ZingZillas turn on the TV and see that Todd is not there. Drum makes her way into the clubhouse where she grabs her cushion and slips past Panzee on her way out. Now all Panzee needs is a magic wand to finish off the story. Original music for the series has been composed by Banks & Wag. He decides that to help people know he is important he is going to have a fanfare played every time somebody new sees him. She loves it and notices that the flashing lights really suit disco music. What can the ZingZillas do? One episode contains what appears to be a view from the submarine through its periscope. Drum, Zak and DJ are the judges while Todd hosts the auditions. Panzee then has an idea - why don't the Taiko drummers play in the 'Making A Big Noise' Big Zing? web pages They offer to swap some feathers for it and Panzee agrees. More coconuts are dropping and they still don't have a prince for the Big Zing Opera' It's a disaster! But what can the words of the song be about? Meanwhile on the beach, Granite has decided to go jogging. This is a big problem - which in other words is a disaster! The ZingZillas are practicing the High Notes and Low Notes Song. Tang has been working on a quiet and gentle song for the Big Zing and can't wait to play it to Zak. The ZingZillas decide to write a song called Everyone's Different. Todd is busy getting ready for the annual hairy diggle race, so Tang suggests they should write a race day Big Zing. It works again until Zak mentions Yapple again! Zak plays his 'Rock Broom' throughout and Auntie Dot absolutely loves it. Tang really wants to play the tuba in the Big Zing, so he offers to swap the banana for the tuba, but the Beach Byrds aren't interested. Tang wonders how they can make spacey sounds, so Panzee dashes off to the glade for some inspiration. The ZingZillas love the sound and decide to do a Big Zing all about fun and friendship. ZingZillas is a British television programme aimed at young children, broadcast on the BBC pre-school channel CBeebies, which ran from 5 April 2010 to 11 June 2012. When they arrive, they discover the whole place, including DJ Loose, covered with dust sheets. - Ant Chorus: Click on the ants to make them sing and create a melody. They combine Drum's Bhangra dancing with Zak's bouncing exercise song to create a magnificent Bhangra Big Zing. He plays the oud. Zak sings all the low parts and Panzee sings the high part. Todd is very relieved! The clubhouse is tidy but Zak still hasn't come up with any words for the Big Zing. She still wants to fly. The ZingZillas decide that the Big Zing should be a boogie woogie song but every time Zak opens his mouth he hiccups and produces a stream of bubbles. They compose the words to a birthday song. Panzee and Zak think the ZingZillas should go on tour too. He knows that the ZingZillas will be very disappointed by the news. Todd is busy looking through his new telescope. Boogie woogie is a style of music you can play on the piano and is music for dancing. However, Granite and Gravel are worried - if the ZingZillas are spending the day at the cinema who is going to play the Big Zing? Each ZingZilla has their own personality:[1]. He thinks Drum should prepare to do the Big Zing by herself so she suggests doing a Bhangra Big Zing. Its gentle whispery sound reminds Panzee of listening to the wind. Panzee loves them so much she invents her own street dance move, the Winning Spinning. Zak is struggling to think of words for a twinkly lights song. They do a dance called the jive to rock 'n' roll music. Todd is the question master and the Beach Byrds are his able assistants. Todd is having a bath having been covered in mud while using his latest potato-picking invention but when asked he is very excited about being the prince in the Big Zing Opera. The ZingZillas wake up and ask Todd for an idea for the day's song. He planted a seed in a pot but it will never grow in time for the Big Zing and Granite and Gravel will be sad. When the Beach Byrds hear the ZingZillas rehearsing loudly they decide to move out of the coconut hut. But what sort of music is good for a marching song? The other ZingZillas offer up a list of different hats - bonnets, boaters, bobble hats, berets and balaclavas. Zak, Drum and Tang think she is trying to trick them again and stay hidden. It is Electric Guitar, featuring Dan and Justin Hawkins. He dashes back to the others. The ZingZillas gather to play the Big Night Zing Drift Away accompanied by the harp. zingzillas gameis ora king salmon safe to eat. He dashes back to the coconut hut with the aloha flower just as DJ arrives. In the story, Todd's yawning gives Panzee the idea to write a lullaby. In the glade DJ introduces George Panda, an mbira player. DJ explains that it has bellows which blow air into it. Tang loves their uniforms and the way they can march around with their instruments. Back at the clubhouse, Drum is banging a pot, trying to wake Todd up, but she can't - he is fast asleep. They head to the clubhouse to rehearse. The winner will win the Golden Coconut. They love the way the strings make a bendy sound and Drum suggests they create a sitar Big Zing. But Todd is feeling sad. Where has she gone? It is too hot! The ZingZillas love it and are really excited about playing it in the Big Zing. Panzee is getting a little tired being a statue, but she is still determined to be a statue all day. DJ Loose reminisces about how he used to go on tour when he was in a band. It's DJ Loose's birthday! Can you upload another Cbeebies zingzillas episode. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Tang still can't decide on his favourite. Milo Jennings Eventually they find her in the glade, fast asleep, listening to the harp playing. Just then Todd joins them and suggests Gravel and Granite watch their favourite shows, eat snacks and invite some of their friends over. Panzee searches the coconut hut and the Moaning Stones beach before spotting Drum crossing the jungle. Drum isn't going to be able to get her drums back in time for the Big Zing. ZingZillas: Series 1: A Great Place to Live Annawise79 Follow Zak discovers Todd stuck behind a load of boxes in his cave. Search the history of over 797 billion He takes nice photos of Tang, Zak and Drum but when it's Panzee's turn she swats away a fly just as he takes the photo. On the way to the coconut hut Panzee passes Todd who thinks his gate has started squeaking again. It was a joint venture between Knowledge West Communications, which managed the network and held the majority 80% interest and was a subsidiary of Knowledge Network, with BBC Studios licensing the BBC brand and holding the remaining 20% in the JV. They watch a wonderful performance by oompah band, the Bavarian Stompers. Granite and Gravel are thrilled with their didgeridoos and can't wait to play them in the Big Zing - which is lucky because the last coconut falls, so it's that time of day. Todd can handjive! While they wait they rehearse their fun and upbeat song about friendship but Panzee is so upset about her photo she finds it hard to be upbeat. Todd uses his ideas machine but it sends all the lights crazy and they start flashing. He looks round for his thinking hat, but it has gone. Zak has a go with his broom and really enjoys it. Zak needs to pause for a moment. He explains that he has to tie the belt off to the arch and the ZingZillas think he is saying he needs them to 'march'. Todd uses his ideas machine but it doesn't want to work and the paper gets jammed. Instead of an idea, it starts to make rumbling and crashing sounds. In the glade, Zak watches Simon Mayor play the mandolin. The ZingZillas really love their Let's Play song and Panzee thinks they should do actions too. Tang joins him and they listen. Panzee comes up with the solution. In fact, she wants to fly so much, she has decided that she is not going to play in the Big Zing until she can! It is a good song but Zak cannot think what to call it. In the glade, DJ Loose introduces Sharon Shannon, Jim Murray, Dezi Donnelly, Michael McGoldrick and the North West Celtic Dance Ladies. The others tell her to keep it safe. Todd keeps saying sorry. Zak loves the sweet sound of the mandolin and thinks the ZingZillas could write a great song with a mandolin in it. This is a problem! The Band can write a lullaby to send Drum to sleep. It's Tidy Island Day and Tang asks Zak to write the words for a tidy song. Training And Servicing Center. zingzillas game - . Zak thinks Todd looks like a statue, and Panzee says she likes statues - she plays musical statues all the time. The ZingZillas wake up and ask Todd for an idea for the day's song. Zak and Tang are astonished - Panzee can make wishes come true just by rubbing her ear! Fast. However it is now evening and time to wake her up! Then Panzee has a brilliant idea - as Drum likes copying so much, and line dancing is all about copying then that is what the song should be about - copying! The song comes to them very quickly and so they decide to spend the rest of the day playing hide and seek. DJ Loose introduces the BBC Big Band and the Manchester Rhythm Tap in the glade. He assures her that it will be good and while he prints them up he suggests they go and listen to the fun and funky sounds of Dr Lonnie Smith playing the Hammond organ over in the glade. The sound of the bells inspires them to sing a song about all the bells they hear every day. Tang can't wait to play his song to the others but each time he finds someone to play it too they need his help instead. After hearing the beautiful music of the waterphone played by Dame Evelyn Glennie, Tang searches the jungle for his very own amazing new sound for the totally jungle Big Zing. Zak carries on getting faster and faster. Play Zingzillas Cbeebies games online to prove your musical skills. This DVD contains five episodes[5] (note that it's not the first five of the series, although there's a lot of overlap): Extras: Musical instrument game and character profile. As Zak collects a stick, the banana-picking machine makes a strange noise which scares Zak and he runs off with only one stick. They play a very fast piece that Tang thinks would make a wonderful accompaniment for a song about racing. The others remind him that they need to get the Big Zing ready. She rushes off to practice somewhere else and the others realise that if they can't practise properly they won't be ready in time for the Big Zing! Todd explains that it's spring cleaning day and so, while the Beach Byrds are off cleaning the whole island, he'll be their waiter for the day. The ZingZillas have decided to take the day off and visit the cinema. Zak knows he can help with that, so he picks DJ up and piggybacks him through the jungle, back to the clubhouse. They head to the glade, where they watch Matt Gooderson playing keyboards and making many sounds and music with many switches and buttons. Meanwhile Zak and Tang sit with Drum in the glade and watch Frank Perry play notes by tapping bowls around him. They change their mind when everyone else decides to head for their beach and find the perfect spot out in Todd's garden. Without his words Zak can't sing the Big Zing! Panzee is still too upset and has disappeared off to the beach on her own. The ZingZillas cannot decide what to call their song. Todd thinks he may have a solution for her problem. Tang decides to tell Drum the story of Gravel and Granite's Quiet Night In. Tang realises the way the music is played makes him feel different and so rushes back to the clubhouse to play their Big Zing song in a different way in order to cheer Drum up. A loud clattering sound from outside makes Zak jump, and so he sings a song all about being a big brave gorilla and not being scared, to prove to the others that he's not scared of anything. He realises he needs to make it up to Panzee for stepping on her bass. The band decide to practice the Making A Big Noise song without Drum but it doesn't sound right. However, Drum is missing so Panzee volunteers to look for her. Tang rushes back to the clubhouse to play their music in a calm way. Todd's ideas machine does not seem to be working properly and it starts making a noise like an echo. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Cbeebies Zingzillas Talking Panzee 14" Soft Plush Toy Plush 2009 Girl Monkey at the best online prices at eBay! Before Tang gets a chance to do it though, Todd finds the hooter again and Zak rushes off with it back to the clubhouse for the rehearsal. The ZingZillas wake up and ask Todd for an idea for the day's song. Drum comes up with a solution - The ZingBoppers! Eventually they play it so fast that they can't keep up and they have to start all over again. He loves it and starts to dance to it immediately. But the magic wand Todd used is broken. Zak thinks they must have it for the Big Zing so they all head off searching for it. He explains that going on tour is a bit like going on holiday. Over at the glade they discover the orchestra playing Danse Macabre. It's a great success. Drum suggests a magic carpet! Although Todd can't actually communicate with them, the ZingZillas like the beat of Todd's bumpy speech and they wonder if they should do a song that has bumpy beats in it for the Big Zing. She wants to make real clippity cloppity noises! The next episode is Tang's Happy Day! DJ tries to cheer him up by showing him Rie Fujii who does robotic dancing. In the glade, DJ introduces Mukul Acharya who plays the harmonium. Back at the clubhouse, Zak and Panzee are still arguing when Tang and Drum return. DJ Loose introduces Tang, Panzee and Drum to Stuart Zender, who is playing slap bass guitar. Zak loves the sound it makes and thinks the way it slides up and down is really cool. Panzee tells the Beach Byrds to go and have a good climb while the ZingZillas think of a song. Panzee is not sure she likes the new Zak. 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