I dont know who the Banditos are, Chavez, who is now a commander, said under oath in March. At the end of the call he followed Lopez to her car. In March and April 2018, two of the plaintiffs, deputies Louis Granados and Benjamin Zaredini, were "alarmed by the increasingly hostile and violent nature" of the Banditos' activities, the lawsuit states. In September 2018, two deputies were knocked unconscious at a department party at an event space called Kennedy Hall, the lawsuit says. Twenty-four are currently stationed in East L.A. While Deputy Granados encountered other deputies firing guns at a suspect and pulled over his vehicle, he was written up for misconduct by Diana Woodward. A report by Loyola Law School found Zaredini did not report the incident for fear of retaliation by the gang. After Lopezs POE was filed, the harassment escalated. Deputy gang members, or those seeking membership, have shot at least 19 County residents to death in that time. the F.B.I. However, the inquiry did not examine the allegations of withholding backup, according to the complaint. The new defendants include two commanders, three captains, two lieutenants and 41 deputies, according to plaintiffs attorney Vincent Miller. Gregory Rodriguez was charged with perjury by the office of then District Attorney Jackie Lacey for lying in his report. None of them appear to have been disciplined for the shootings. The list includes 11 deputies allegedly belonging to the Banditos and operating out of the East LA sheriff's station. Sheriff Villanueva Just Brought It Back, LA Sheriff Watchdog: The First Amendment Shouldn't Shield Deputy Cliques, Tattoos From Scrutiny. The lawsuit claims the department is "permeated by criminal gang culture.". Halfway through her training, Lopez was reassigned to Field Training Officer Edwin Hernandez. Knock LA is a nonprofit community journalism project, originally conceived by Ground Game LA. Dear reader, we're asking you to help us keep local news available for all. The Top 5 newsletter catches you up with LAs top 5 stories in just 3 minutes. Lieutenant Eric Simpson allegedly buried the memo under the orders of Chief Bobby Denham. Chief Bobby Denham moved to initiate a fake investigation into the attack. Instead of investigating her claim, the department began investigating her. But I dont think she had a choice on this one because the video and the report were all over the news and the internet [she] wasnt interested in winning the case in my opinion. Forty-seven Los Angeles County Sheriffs officials were added Monday as named defendants "We haven't confirmed or denied any investigation," FBI Spokeswoman Laura Eimiller told LAist. Romero offered Lopez a transfer in response, which she didnt think she deserved as she had done no wrong. Gonzalez developed high blood pressure and a heart condition which led to her removal from the field. The suit also claims Banditos encourage deputies to increase their arrest numbers by planting evidence on suspects. Villanueva blamed the situation on "a leadership team that fell asleep at the switch.". The lawsuit estimates 15-20% of the department's more than 9,000 sworn personnel are members of these cliques. He met his wife and the mother of his children in LA. draft a policy regarding cliques She was placed on medical leave. Members have a common tattoo on their legs of a skeleton with a bushy mustache wearing a sombrero and bandolier holding a pistol, all of which are sequentially numbered. Leaders, known as "shot-callers," determined deputies' hours, promotions, even days off. Instead plaintiffs Oscar Escobedo, Art Hernandez, Mario Contreras, and Ariela Lemus were disciplined for charges stemming from the party at Kennedy Hall, effectively punishing them for being assaulted. Rodriguez was discharged from the department as a result of the charges, but later was given his job back and returned to the department. Community members speak out at a town hall in East Los Angeles on July 10, protesting the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Departments handling of the Banditos, an The inspector generals new figures add to a growing body of information about the secretive groups, which have existed in the Sheriffs Department for decades. Escobedo and Hernandez were treated at a local hospital, Escobedo for "severe neck pain and strain, dizziness, and nausea due to lack of oxygen from being choked out," and Hernandez for a concussion and cuts that required sutures, the complaint alleges. Is that an incorrect statement by Sheriff Villanueva that he transferred 36 people? Miller asked. For the latest national news from NPR and our live radio broadcast, visit Deputy Christopher Wargo drove to the location and blocked Lopezs patrol car so she could not move and ordered her out of the vehicle. Along with the county, the suit names four Banditos as defendants: Raphael "Rene" Munoz aka "Big Listo"; Gregory Rodriquez aka "G-Rod"; David Silverio aka "Silver", and Michael Hernandez aka "Bam Bam," who the complaint says was assigned to Men's Central Jail. Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva has repeatedly touted what he says was his first act in office in December 2018: removing the captain of East L.A. station, where a group of tattooed deputies known as the Banditos ran roughshod and dictated where deputies would be assigned. In 2014, Gonzalez took the exam to become a Field Training Officer, and in July of that year, Master Field Training Officer Angelica Estrada assigned Gonzalez to be a mentor to new deputies. 4:30 p.m.: This article was updated to include Sheriff Villanueva's June comments about the Banditos. The incident was the focus of two internal Sheriffs Department investigations one of which Villanueva has said led to the discipline of 26 employees as well as a report by the Office of Inspector General. The gang also denied Zaredini and Lemus backup. Soon afterwards, Zaredini was removed as an FTO and lost his bonus pay. In December 2013, Lopez was informed that if she didnt immediately request a transfer to Century Station, she would have to return to East LA. SEE MORE OF OUR COVERAGE ON LA'S DEPUTY GANGS: Our news is free on LAist. The claim states that Captain Mejia wrote a memo in June of 2018 to the County recommending an investigation into the Banditos. . In a letter dated Monday, Inspector General Max Huntsman said his office has compiled a partial list that includes 11 deputies who allegedly belong to the The plaintiffs originally filed claims in 2019, stating they had been attacked, beaten, and denied backup as a result of refusing to cooperate with the gang. Traditionally, once deputy gang membership reaches 100, a new group is introduced. Hernandezs former FTO Marcelo Reaper Ortega and Contreras former FTO Elizondo also told him not to speak about what had happened. Its author Professor Sean Kennedy said at least seven remain active. The legal action also accuses L.A. County and Sheriff Alex Villanueva of failing to eradicate the Banditos and other problem cliques, which date back decades and whose members have risen to the highest ranks of the department. Even though he's one of the named plaintiffs, he requested anonymity out of fear that Banditos might harass him at his home or his new station because he spoke to the media. Despite Gonzalezs high test performance in the Sergeants promotional exam, she was repeatedly passed over for the promotion. In June, Villanueva acknowledged that the Banditos had amassed too much power and influence at the station. A deputy grabbed him and cuffed him. Prospects like Deputy Hector Little Listo Saavedra sent texts laughing about the 245 (assault and battery) and advised others to burn and destroy evidence. Angelica Estrada, one of the few female associates of the Banditos and a woman who wielded tremendous influence at the station, "went over Mejia's head" to the captain at the time and then-Chief Bob Denham to block any discipline of the Banditos. Lopez spoke with Sergeant Betty Lascono, who placed her on the schedule to return to work the following day. County lawyers instructed the deputy not to answer questions about whether he has the Executioners tattoo, which is a skull with a rifle and a military-style helmet, surrounded by flames. Two weeks after the ceremony, the Banditos gang removed ammunition from Deputy Zaredinis shotgun. Escobedo was unable to work for a week afterwards, according to the suit. Every weekday, you'll get fresh, community-driven stories that catch you up with our independent local news. . Banditos also pressure deputies "to ignore constitutional protections which require there to be probable cause to stop and arrest civilians," which leads to the "planting and manufacture of evidence and other illegal acts," the complaint claims. Alene Tchekmedyian is an investigative reporter at the Los Angeles Times. Will It Solve The Problem? Art Hernandezs lawsuit charges that there is a video which shows members of the Banditos gathered at the station following the fight, preparing a cover story together. Patrelli refused to accompany Lopez to the meeting or send any other union representation saying, You should be grateful that Commander Romero is willing to meet with you!. She had no assistants trying this case. She even contends that Hish manipulated her score in order to keep her from moving up in rank. She had no investigators. This is America, Orange recounts. One deputy alleges in a complaint against the County that activities like fundraisers, training parties, and staff barbecues at the East LA station must be roundtabled by the Banditos. Deputy Christopher Moore, who was on-duty and assigned to the party, stood by and watched the assault. Lopezs lawsuit states that the harassment continued after she complained. In the message, he said that Queen FUPA, meaning Fat Upper Pussy Area, was not going to make it to work today because she was going to Hawaii. On Sept. 19, 2018, just nine days before the attack at the party, two East L.A. deputies were shot, "coming close to being murdered, because of the intentional failure of the Banditos to provide back up," the suit claims. Denham was later promoted to assistant sheriff by Sheriff Villanueva, and retired in 2019. There are 30 alleged members of the Executioners operating from the Compton station. The trainees were reportedly told that if they stole anything from a suspect, they should dispose of it outside of the station. Gonzalez said under oath that in the summer of 2013, shortly after being given the day off and mentioning plans to travel to Hawaii, she received a text message sent to a group she was in with Deputy Jose Rauno. In late December 2011, an on-duty Lopez reported to a priority call. She attempted to contact Romero about the status of her transfer request, but he was allegedly unavailable. They have been broken up in accordance to the law, and constitutionally permissibly, he said. During her first two weeks of training, Valdez assigned Lopez to work a shift with Deputy Christopher Wargo, who was a prospect or puppy of the Banditos. opened an investigation Zaredinis partner worked 12-14 hour shifts because he feared what would happen to Zaredini alone. You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times. Those 36 individuals would simply reflect general transfers, Chavez responded. The Sheriffs Department has long faced allegations that the groups run roughshod over several stations, controlling commanders and glorifying aggressive policing tactics. Two of the men are veterans with more than a decade on the job. The sheriffs department declined to comment on the allegations. She's On August 8, 2013, Lopez was taken off of disability leave and cleared to return to work. Instead, the defendants face the allegations previously laid out in the lawsuit. During the course of the investigations, the complaint alleges multiple Banditos members and associates lied about their knowledge of the gang and said they did not see the attacks. We had a captain that was gracious enough to take her in [his unit] and she just hid, says Gonzalezs attorney, Gregory Smith. In 2014, L.A. County paid $1.5 million to settle a lawsuit filed by a female deputy who said she was bullied and harassed by Banditos. Commander Ernie Chavez has admitted Villanueva did not transfer any Banditos, nor ask Chavez to investigate. According to the complaint, Mendoza also conducted personal business while on duty and ordered her to do his work. Your tax-deductible financial support keeps our stories free to read, instead of hidden behind paywalls. In reality, Villanueva sent notices to terminate Banditos Rafael Munoz, Gregory Rodriguez, and David Silverio, as well as discipline plaintiff deputies in what appears to be retaliation. However, he was found not guilty by a jury. The other plaintiff deputies would provide assistance, despite the fact they would have to go outside of their respective areas of service. However, he and Deputy Louis Granados reported harassment that they had observed at the hands of Banditos to Captain (then Lieutenant) Richard Mejia. Rosa Gonzalez became the latest target of the Banditos abuses in December 2011, shortly after she arrived at the East LA Station. The expanded lawsuit comes amid increasing scrutiny of how Villanueva, who began his career at the East L.A. Station, has addressed the longstanding problem of deputy subgroups. The FBI But new court documents that include sworn testimony from Chavez raise questions about and at times, contradict the sheriffs claims. Lemus supervisor, Hugo Reynaga, initially marked the matter as resolved. The Banditos logo (Courtesy of Vincent Miller). During the August 14, 2013, meeting, Romero asked Lopez where she wanted to go. The claim charges that Mejia admitted the action was improper, and that Commander (then Captain) Ernie Chavez and Commander Eli Vera (a candidate for sheriff) stated the action was retaliatory. In his letter, Huntsman requests that the Sheriffs Department cooperate with his investigation into the groups by providing investigative files and other documents. In screenshots of the messages obtained by The Times, others joke about evidence, advising each other to get rid of it and burn it., The inspector generals report last year said theres substantial evidence that the Banditos are gang-like and their influence has resulted in favoritism, sexism, racism and violence.. Inspector General Max Huntsman said that the investigation almost completely ignored evidence of the involvement of the Banditos which led to the assaultive conduct at Kennedy Hall, and that the investigation into the Banditos was a cover up by the sheriff and LASD. brings new scrutiny to one of the most vexing problems at the nation's largest sheriff's agency: the existence of subgroups that date back decades and whose loyalty is more to the subgroup than law and order. Gang culture is reinforced by older employees who reward newer recruits who subscribe to it. Union Says It'll 'Wait And See', A Look Back At LA Sheriff Alex Villanueva's Tumultuous 4 Years, A Los Angeles Family Seeks Answers And Accountability After Black Mom Dies In Childbirth. Huntsman also said LASD ignored evidence that exists to support the conclusion that the Banditos are a gang-like clique and their influence has resulted in favoritism, sexism, racism, and violence ICIB did not want to delve into the Banditos involvement.. The Fort Apache insignia, which depicts a riot helmet and a boot with the words Low profile and siempre una patada en los pantalones or always a swift kick in the pants, was created at the station during the Chicano Moratorium, when deputies brutalized hundreds of people gathered to protest the Vietnam War. No one had any knowledge of that name, Villanueva said. Immediately afterwards, then Banditos prospect Hector Little Listo Saavedra allegedly claimed Zaredini called him a homophobic slur over one year prior. At least four secret cliques or gangs of sheriffs deputies with names like the Banditos and the Executioners continue to operate and recruit within the L.A. His body was recovered near Mount Islip. Bob Gregory, 62, went missing the same day as Sands. He was a nuclear physics major in college and relocated to Los Angeles to work on some construction projects. Banditos "intentionally fail to provide back-up during emergency situations and other dangerous calls to purposely place deputies in dangerous circumstances," the suit says. Based on the information that I have, that is incorrect. Will Orange County's Fledgling Clean Power Agency Survive? and Patrelli instead scheduled a meeting with Lopez and Division Commander Henry Romero, who had been her captain at East LA. Will Orange County's Fledgling Clean Power Agency Survive? One of the new named defendants is Sheriff Alex Villanuevas chief of security, and another is his driver, according to Miller. Thank you for investing in your neighborhood. Lieutenant David Infante, who previously worked at the East LA station and knew about the complaint, made it known to Lopezs supervising Sergeant, Veronica De La Rosa, that he didnt want Lopez at Century Station. For the latest national news from NPR and our live radio broadcast, visit The next time she heard from Patrelli, she informed Lopez that Wolak wouldnt be sending her to the hospital location after all. Aceituno recently did the same thing again and received no consequences from East LA Captain Richard Mejia, according to the complaint. Lemus, Contreras, Hernandez, and Escobedo were told they could move to another gang-dominated station, or a station far from their homes. LOS ANGELES (CNS) - Los Angeles County Inspector General Max Huntsman has accused Sheriff Alex Villanueva of promoting a code of silence'' around secret societies within his department, but Villanueva calls the IG's actions purely politically driven and an attempt to undermine the department.''. Many who are not recruited go along with the gangs requirements for fear of retaliation. . Members of the Banditos can be identified by their signature tattoos of a skeleton wearing a sombrero, bandolier, and pistol. In December 2018, Banditos "secretly removed the bullets from Deputy Zaredini's shotgun," the lawsuit claims. Hernandez pointed at her body and turned to another male deputy saying, Look at these! and, What do you think, bro? He said to Lopez, What are you going to do about it? Office of then District attorney Jackie Lacey for lying in his letter, Huntsman requests that the Sheriffs department to... Major in college and relocated to Los Angeles to work for a week afterwards, then Banditos prospect Hector Listo. Up in accordance to the complaint, Mendoza also conducted personal business while on duty and her., known as `` shot-callers, '' the lawsuit estimates 15-20 % of the call followed. A policy regarding cliques she was repeatedly passed over for the shootings are. 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