The boys spent Christmas Eve with their mother by eating dinner. During lunch, when Nancy asked Jonathan what had happened, he covered by Steve by saying that he asked Jonathan to take her home, showing he respected Steve. It's implied that Lonnie and Jonathan have gotten in physical altercations, as when Jonathan pushed off Lonnie when searching his house for Will, Lonnie commented that he had "gotten stronger". As the search for Eleven progressed, however, Jonathan slowly grew out of his habit, getting easily annoyed by Argyles antics. Will said that some people like Kenny Rogers. When talking to Will in his bedroom, he noticed Will drawing himself as "Zombie Boy". However, while traveling to find the Nina Project, Jonathan became frustrated, thinking they were lost, despite Mike's reassurance until Argyle pointed they were in the right direction by finding tire tracks belonging to military vehicles. When they discovered Mrs. Driscoll consuming fertilizer, this lead to them getting fired from the Post and straining their relationship, with Jonathan angry over losing his means to support his family and blaming Nancy for it, causing Nancy to accuse him of being like her tormentors. Jonathan kept his use of drugs and stressed feelings a secret from his mother as she was busy with her new job and would not approve of him doing drugs. British actor Charlie Heaton plays awkward teenager Jonathan Byers in Netflix's Stranger Things. After the plan succeeded, Joyce and Jonathan hugged a disoriented yet once again normal Will. Press J to jump to the feed. When a weak Will finally awoke, Jonathan and Joyce tearfully greeted him. Returning home, Jonathan and Nancy assist Joyce in freeing a possessed Will from another entity from the Upside Down known as the Mind Flayer. Will expressed his disgust while Joyce said it would be different when he fell in love. But the fact that Jonathan doesn't pry further after everything that's already happened is surprising. Did the first season disconnect him so far from his brother that he lost his common sense, too? When they were attacked by a Flayed Tom and Bruce, Jonathan and Nancy did their best to protect each other. In 1984, Jonathan and Mike met up again after escaping from Hawkins National Laboratory when a pack of Demodogs massacred nearly everyone in the lab. Jonathan is passioned with photography and his camera kind of symbolizes him. He has a strong bond with his family and is implied to have a soft spot for animals, as he cried for a week after his tenth birthday when his father forced him to kill a rabbit on a hunting trip. A lot of people talk about Jonathan being "parentified". Will's disappearance made Jonathan guilt-ridden for not being there and would soon take a toll on his relationship with his mother, who insisted Will was trapped in the walls and taken by a monster with no face. Fall 1967 He even had some manual skills at a rather young age already. Don't see where I'm coming from? Will Byers (brother)Joyce Byers (mother)Lonnie Byers (father)Darlene (great-aunt)Eleven (foster sister) Initially dismissing his mother's claims of something supernatural having claimed Will, Jonathan then realizes that she may not be delusional after all when Nancy Wheeler claims that her best friend Barbara Holland disappeared too; and saw man with no face at the site of her disappearance. In 1983, Steve, Nancy, Barb, Tommy, and Carol watched Jonathan pin missing fliers for his brother, Will. Discover more posts about autistic jonathan byers. Biographical information Speaking of Joyce, instead of going straight to his mom after practically calling her crazy once he realized there really was a creature, he simply decided to take it down with Nancy instead, claiming Joyce already had too much on her mind. Jonathan than asked if Lonnie did what Will wanted to do, such as the arcade. In the fall of 1983, Jonathan's younger brother, Will, vanished without a trace due to Jonathan working late. ", "Being a freak is the best, alright? RELATED: 10 Clues You Missed In The Stranger Things Season 3 Trailer. After the event, Jonathan moved out of Hawkins with his mother and brother. This page is a gallery for Jonathan Byers. Sara Sanderson is a writer, author, and teacher who produces content for a variety of publications, both on and offline, beneath various names. Because things are getting just complicated. John Byers (disambiguation) This page was last edited on 14 October 2021, at 11:42 (UTC). Follow. ", "You do realize we spent all morning hiding the body? No, you're here to protect us. And why are we are being led to believe that Jonathan is such a saint? The couple reunited with their siblings and friends at the Wheeler home. In 1985, Murray still was on good terms with Jonathan as he gave him and Nancy the keys to his house so they and the kids can be safe from the Mind Flayer. People on the spectrum struggle with empathy--not because they don't care about others--but simply because it's hard for them to read people. He also helped Jonathan and his younger siblings carpool to school since Jonathan's car broke down. Jonathan was supposed to be out looking for Will when he stumbled upon Steve's party and just randomly started taking pictures of his peers enjoying themselves. He doesn't talk much at all and avoids anything. The next day, Jonathan, Mike, and Will all agreed to escape from the watch of Agents Wallace and Harmon to find El and return to Hawkins to save their friends. RELATED: 10 Stranger Things Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Jonathan As A Character Jonathan said that Will shouldn't be forced to like things because people tell him to, especially not their father. When Jonathan answered the door, two police officers had arrived to arrest El for attacking Angela. Jonthan addressed himself as El's brother/stepbrother, and was shocked that the police had a warrant for El's arrest after she assaulted Angela. Jonathan had a complicated and spiteful relationship with his father, Lonnie. Family One month later, as Jonathan arrived to pick up Will at the Wheelers, Nancy presented a Christmas gift from her and Steve; a new camera. Whenever Nancy was abused or humiliated by her misogynistic co-workers, Jonathan did his best to support and comfort her. Episodes Jonathan is known around Hawkins as an introvert who is maybe a little snobby about his taste in popular culture. Jonathan then asked if Will legitimately liked The Clash, and Will happily confirmed so. Steve coldly left with his posse as Jonathan fell to the ground to scrap his camera up. However while rebuilding Hoppers cabin, Jonathan was worried for his relationship with Nancy due to her fondness with Steve and how he matured as a person. Will asked if their father wasn't coming, and Jonathan asked if Will even liked baseball. autistic jonathan and will byers masterpost: both jonathan and will are always referred to as being "strange" and "sensitive" and are seen to be shy, except for when will is around his friends; After a trio of Dr. Owens' agents arrive at the Byers' home to tell the boys that El has been taken away to reignite her powers in order to defeat a new evil lurking in Hawkins, Jonathan agreed with Mike and Will to sneak away from the agents so they could find El and return to Hawkins. Will flatly said he would as he trudged in, and Jonathan was shown to be somewhat concerned. However, Jonathan helped Nancy investigate Mrs. Driscoll's story about "diseased rats." Jonathan thinking he can go talk to his dad is just stupid. After that, Jonathan and Argyle worked together in building a sensory deprivation tank at Surfer Boy Pizza so Eleven could use her powers to fight Vecna from Nevada where the two kept watch over her, along with helping her as she fought Vecna. Two days later, Jonathan and Argyle traveled to Hawkins together and joined the rest of their friends in rebuilding Hopper's cabin. Steve later rescued Jonathan and the others by crashing into Billys car before he could collide into them. He's a responsible son and brother most of the time. Rule number one of being good boyfriend material: respect the girl you like. The main problem with him is kinda the neglect of his dad, thats why he is kinda shy, because he didnt had a normal dad figure in front of him. Jonathan is passioned with photography and his camera kind of symbolizes him. The few social interections that he has before becoming friends with the group are typic of the ones someone with aspergers might have. He does so much for his family and his group of friends, often more than what is asked or expected of him. When El began to choke as a result of Vecna strangling her in the Void, Jonathan helped lift El out of the freezer and placed her on a table, holding her arm as Mike comforted her. In 1982, the day Lonnie left the Byers' home permanently, Jonathan and Will built Castle Byers together, using Will's drawings as blueprints. Jonathan attempted to pull Nancy away as she confronted Steve, but Steve began to egg him on by calling him a queer, a screw-up like his parents, and told him he wasnt surprised that his brother disappeared. Not only is Jonathan a loner, but he's used to people making comments about his family. Jonathan tries to be by his brother's side despite it being difficult as Jonathan noted that Will has changed a lot since his time in the Upside Down. [Steve Granitz/FilmMagic] 9. Who plays Jonathan Byers in play in Stranger Things? As Will began to tear up, Jonathan told his brother that he loved him and that no matter what, nothing would change that. ( I know this last sentece might sound stupid, but I dont know how to explain it). Colonel Jack Sullivan ambushed and attacked them, Jonathan protected Mike and Will before they along, with a wounded Harmon, escaped with Argyle. It was then revealed Jonathan planned to attend community college so he can remain close to Will and his family instead of attending college with Nancy as he did not want to abandon them. Whether Charlie Heaton is dreamy or not, his character doesn't really deserve the kind of love fans throw at him, and it doesn't make sense to make him and Nancy #relationshipgoals at all. Once the melted corpses of Tom and Bruce merged into a monster, Jonathan tried to save Nancy when it attacked her before the Party came to her rescue. Will's cries of pain proved to get to Jonathan, who hugged Nancy and turned away as tears streamed down his face. However, after finding the number to locate the Nina Project, Jonathan and Argyle, along with Mike and Will, traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah to seek Suzie Bingham's help in locating the facility, with Jonathan telling Argyle to be on his best behavior as Suzie's family were Mormons. That evening, Jonathan brought out photos of Will to make wanted posters. Is jonathan byers autistic. When Nancy decided to get more evidence for the story, Jonathan was reluctant to do so, but went along with her in order to support his girlfriend. He was later allowed to return to the US to shoot the Stranger Things 3. Though Joyce deeply cared for her eldest son just as she did for Will, she felt guilty that she had been unable to support him more, due to her time-consuming job. I don't think Jonathan is autistic. She also expressed hope that Jonathan could go to Emerson College in Massachusetts with Nancy. In 1985, Jonathan and Nancy are shown to have become an official couple, sleeping together at Jonathan's house one day. However, after the story was rejected which left Nancy cruelly insulted, she ignored Jonathan's attempts to comfort her. He is pretty empathetic and seems to have a broad and nuanced intuitive understanding of emotion and how to express it. RELATED: Stranger Things: The 5 Best & 5 Worst Relationships. He asked the officers if cuffing El was necessary, and ran back to the house to call Joyce, with no success. ", "In the grand scheme of things, it's just a little blip. The disappearance of a young boy sparks a chain of events leading the residents of the small town of Hawkins to uncover a government conspiracy and a supernatural mystery which will not only shatter all semblance of normality, but also threaten their very existence. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. autistic jonathan and will byers masterpost: Log in Sign up. Brown After Will vanished, Joyce's sanity was tested, and in turn so was the relationship between her and her remaining son. he's generally pretty quiet but can and will talk for england once he's comfortable with you if you'd let him usually about music or photography and it's so endearing he apologises after rambling but you love it and would happily listen for hours of course he's constantly taking photos of you he has a few of his favourites on his wall Reply melecke Additional comment actions I don't think he is. In the first season, Jonathan failed to make sure Will came home the night he disappeared because he was working late. After discovering the Mind Flayer's true plan, Jonathan protected Mike and his friends when the Mind Flayer's avatar attacked them. So I just finished watching stranger things and I'm kind of new to this subreddit so excuse me if this has already been discussed. That night, Jonathan stumbled across Steves party at his house after investigating the woods, and began to take pictures of him, Nancy, Tommy, and Carol swimming in the pool, possibly insinuating that Jonathan longed to have the life Steve had. 1986 They later work together in burning the Mind Flayer out of Will. In 1985, Jonathan had become a devoted boyfriend to Nancy as he was willing to help and take care of her while they both worked at the Hawkins Post. Stranger Things: Halloween Sounds From the Upside Down, Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside Down, Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town,, "Sometimes, people don't really say what they're really thinking. favourite thing about them Again I say, uhhh, everything??? Yes, Jonathan was heroic in both seasons. At night, Jonathan helped assist making a sensory deprivation tank for El made from a pizza dough freezer at a local Surfer Boy Pizza in Nevada. Many viewers of the third season of Stranger Things felt like its problems could have been summed up in a single sentence: This is what happens when men don't listen to women. And as El fought Vecna, Jonathan and Mike kept watch over her before she was able to defeat him. Upon his parents' divorce, Jonathan took over Lonnie's role as a father figure in Will's life, actively encouraging Will to like what people deem "not normal" and telling him that Lonnie was the last person to tell Will what he should like. In the Byers' shed, when interrogating Will, Jonathan attempted to regain his brother's memories by emotionally recollecting the time they built Castle Byers and the first time he showed him The Clash by playing it on his radio. Up until the fourth season, Jonathan drove a 1971 Ford Galaxie 500. Jonathan later hung posters of his brother at Hawkins High. In 1986, though Jonathan continued to have a good relationship with his mother, he began to smoke weed to deal with his stress over college and his relationship with Nancy. In 1984, Jonathan's personality managed to change a little bit. Concerned, Jonathan attempted to get Will to open up, but a frustrated Will said that he's grown sick of everyone becoming so attentive of him, saying it makes him feel more like a freak. In 1985, Jonathan left for work while Joyce rubbed a kiss mark from Nancy (who secretly spent the night and snuck out of Jonathan's bedroom window). However, Jonathan trusted Argyle enough to actually reveal he got an acceptance letter for Lenora Hills Community College, where Argyle was going, and that he had no intentions of leaving Lenora. Jonathan also became friends with Steve Harrington and was on good terms with him. In Nevada, while Jonathan drove, he noticed from the mirror Will lying to Mike that Eleven had commissioned the painting he had worked on, and further noticed how emotional Will became when talking about how "El" felt like a mistake due to being different, but Mike never made "her" feel that way. RELATED: Stranger Things: 10 Incredible Fan Art Pictures That Take Us Back To The '80s. When Jonathan argues with Hopper about contacting Lonnie regarding Will's whereabouts, it almost seems like Jonathan doesn't even know his own father. Having a special interest that you hyper focus on and become sort of obsessed with can be a characteristic of ASD. Dead by Daylight adds new Stranger Things skins, bringing Jonathan Byers to the game and adding a new outfit for Nancy Wheeler. The group later returned to rescue El by using Lucas fireworks to weaken the Mind Flayer. He is even bestowed with the unfortunate "Zombie Boy" nickname as a result. As Steve began to panic and question what was going on, Jonathan attempted to force Steve out and yelling at him that he needed to leave. Soon after, Will was rescued from the dimension and was reunited with his brother and mother. Even so, that doesn't excuse some of the weird and downright insensitive things Jonathan has done. Jonathan took pictures of Nancy during a party at the Harrington House and when Nancy found out, she did not hold any resentment towards Jonathan. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 89 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 16 | 1718 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 2526 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 33 | 34. Three months later, Jonathan was assisted by Mike in packing up his house and said goodbye before moving out of Hawkins with his family. Residence When Mike suggested they request Suzie Bingham's help in using the number to hack into the government system, Jonathan disagreed as he had listened to Suzie's duet with Dustin Henderson when fighting the Mind Flayer last year, but eventually relented. Jonathan then rescued him and Robin by having them get into Nancys car as the Mind Flayer began to chase them. Had he really paid attention, perhaps he could have saved himself from fighting over the issue so hard with his mother. When Jonathan realized that his mother was telling the truth about Will being alive, he apologized and the two reconciled, where they managed to reunite with Will after his rescue from the Upside Down. Sure, he's old enough to get himself to bed, but after not seeing him all evening it would make much more sense just to peek in on the kid. When a body resembling Will is recovered at the quarry, Jonathan is devastated, locking himself in his room and tearfully listened to music. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The next day, Steve was alerted by her friend, Nicole, about the photos after she saw Jonathan developing them in the photography room at Hawkins High. I dont think he is. Jonathan and Steve initially had a strained relationship due to being polar opposites both in terms of popularity and personality. Occupation When returning to Hawkins, after temporarily defeating Vecna, Jonathan was reunited with his mother and shared an embrace with her. Before joining the kids to catch up with the monster, Jonathan checked on Nancy and made sure she was not hurt. Jonathan's closeness to his brother, Will, is a key point of the show. As parental as Jonathan seems to be, it would also make sense for him (not to mention his mom) to check on Will before going to bed at night. It's obvious to most people that Will has something wrong with him now that he's returned from the Upside Down. His smoking of weed stemmed from his strained long-distance relationship with Nancy, as they both originally planned to attend Emerson College in Massachusetts. Jonathan jokingly asked if he was lame, and Will said that he wasn't, but it wasn't like Nancy was watching Mike. When Jonathan got a call from Nancy early the next day, he did not want to speak to Nancy at first, but Nancy informed him of the Mind Flayer's return due to Mrs. Driscoll being possessed and that Will could be in danger. Taking creepy stalker pics while she's making out with the guy she actually likes certainly does not qualify here. Jonathan was hired by Tom Holloway to be a photographer for the Hawkins Post. In 1986, Jonathan remained on good terms with Murray when he visited his family in Lenora Hills, California. Obviously this makes no sense, since he's well aware of his deadbeat dad's attitude and lack of concern for his children and ex-wife. Though the Byers have been distant for a while, physically holding each other here serves to solidify Jonathan's words to Will. Will asked where he was, and Jonathan told him he was finally home. Jonathan was also not too happy with his mother's relationship with Bob Newby as both he and Joyce suffered from constant verbal abuse from his father than Will ever did. Jonathan Byers || I'm not like everybody else 153,381 views Aug 9, 2017 8.2K Dislike Share Shainira 36.5K subscribers Listen, don't take it so personally, okay? Back at their home, Jonathan tearfully rubbed his unconscious brother's hair, apologizing for not being there for him. Jonathan Byers, Will's sensitive and troubled older brother in the Netflix hit Stranger Things, has a few things that just don't make sense about him. Another way to refer to it as that Jonathan had to become an adult to soon/missed out on a real childhood. When Jonathan asked what Russians he was referring to, Steve pointed out that the guards El killed were Russian. At Hopper's cabin, Joyce, Jonathan, and Nancy attempted to get the Mind Flayer out of Will by overheating him and tying him down. Not only is he angsty, careless, and kinda creepy, he also seemed pretty selfish and inconsiderate. Yeah agreed. In the summer of 1985, Jonathan ranted to Nancy about the financial burdens he and his family faced due to Lonnie not being around. I think Jonathan is just anxious/has anxiety (Joyce is outright said to have anxiety and Jonathan is said to take after his mother). Though Jonathan planned to go trick-or-treating with his brother, he decided to go the party. After Nancy got drunk and hurt Steve's feelings, Jonathan took Nancy home and told her what happened the next day. Upon traveling across the country to save Nancy and his friends, Jonathan displayed his love for his girlfriend when reuniting with Nancy, but still failed to admit the truth about his Emerson acceptance letter, and also becoming worried about their relationship after Nancy admits admiration of Steve's maturity. Not only does he support him with his words, but by hugging him . So then when Will goes to Castle Byers in s3 at night in the pouring rain he's probably thinking that Mike (and his friends) are going to abandon him just like his dad did! When Will reacted to Kenny Rogers in disgust, Jonathan reaffirmed his statement, saying that nobody normal ever accomplished anything meaningful in this world. Jonathan Byers is a main character in Netflixs Stranger Things. See a recent post on Tumblr from @gremlin-bug about autistic jonathan byers. Will, through his tears, told him he would always be there for him, and Jonathan said he knew he would. Jonathan succeeds in finding his brother with the help of his mother, Nancy Wheeler, Will's friends, Jim Hopper, Eleven. When dropping off the kids at the Rink-O-Mania, Jonathan called out to Will, smiling as he told him to have fun. Tom fought Jonathan and nearly killed him with scissors until he felt Bruce's pain of getting hit by a fire hydrant by Nancy. Two days later, Jonathan and Mike returned to Hawkins together where they reunited with their friends and loved ones before working together to rebuild Hopper's cabin. Lol but in all seriousness it's probably how much he genuinely loves and contributes to his family. Later, Jonathan got an idea to ask Argyle for his help in taking him, Mike, and Will across the country back to Indiana to find Eleven and save their friends in Hawkins. The quartet make a cross-country roadtrip to Utah and Nevada to locate El. The two also work together at the Hawkins Post. Jonathan told him he wasn't, and Will reaffirmed that he was. Born After the government arrived to raid the Russian base, Steve was shown checking in on Nancy and Jonathan as they sat in an ambulance. As an artist, he ought to have known better in many circumstances, and given his temperament and personality, many of his actions simply don't make a whole lot of sense. Three months later, before moving out of Hawkins, Jonathan consoled a saddened Nancy and said good-bye to her before sharing a hug and a kiss with her. Coupled with the fact that he's not a violent person, it makes no sense that he would attack Steve Harrington when the teen has some choice words about his involvement in his brother's disappearance. WE SEE YOU, AND WE LOVE YOU. Steve frantically asked what the creature was, both Jonathan and Nancy told him to shut up. Not only does he repeatedly not believe his mother and Nancy, but he is completely obtuse as to why Nancy's job is harder for her than it is for him. Stranger Things: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Jonathan, Stranger Things: 10 Characters With The Best Survival Skills, Ranked, Stranger Things Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses, Stranger Things: 10 Incredible Fan Art Pictures That Take Us Back To The '80s, 10 Clues You Missed In The Stranger Things Season 3 Trailer, Stranger Things: The 5 Best & 5 Worst Relationships, Where to Watch The Head of Joaquin Murrieta. In 1985, Joyce seemed happy for Jonathan when he has a girlfriend. Will reprimanded Jonathan for letting Argyle smoke more weed, but Jonathan does not have any better ideas. Will said he didn't but tried to say it was fun to go with their father sometimes. In 1986, Jonathan had grown to be more carefree and relaxed upon meeting his new best friend, Argyle, beginning to smoke weed with him daily and hiding it from his mother by wearing sunglasses. After Jonathan and Steve's fight, resulting in Jonathan's arrest, Tommy and Carol continued to bully and laugh at Jonathan and how angry he was during his fight with Steve and how he's in jail. In 1985, Jonathan and Mike met again and worked together investigating the Flayed and attempting to stop the Mind Flayer. 1983 note: family trees are only visible on desktop. When Argyle observed Nancy isn't coming to Lenora Hills for spring break alongside her brother, Jonathan denied Nancy was ditching him and poking holes at his flawed plan to go to Emerson College alongside her. El mentioned to Mike in her letter how she discovered Jonathan and his new best friend Argyle smoking "smelly plants" together, and Jonathan told her that they were safe since they came from the earth, but made her promise not to tell Joyce. Jonathan Byers, Will's sensitive and troubled older brother in the Netflix hit Stranger Things, has definitely been forced to grow up too quickly, both from his lower-middle class upbringing and broken home to the terrible events that ultimately forced his family to move away from Hawkins in the third season of the show. Eight months later, in 1986, Steves feelings for Nancy began to reignite after Jonathan had moved with his family to Lenora Hills, California, but restrained himself out of respect for Jonathan. When a possessed Will started to strangle Joyce, Jonathan tried to save his mother before she was saved when Nancy burnt Will. For example, he is often socially awkward and has trouble reading social cues. Alright, a lot more complicated than LEGOs up the nose, you know?". Jonathan Byers, portrayed by Charlie Heaton, is a main character in Stranger Things. When meeting up with Mike, the two worked together in building a sensory deprivation tank so Eleven could use her powers to locate Will in the Upside Down. Later, while traveling through Nevada to locate the facility, Jonathan started to grow frustrated, thinking they were lost until Argyle found tire tracks and identified them belonging to military vehicles, allowing them to rescue Eleven in time. Last edited on 14 October 2021, at 11:42 ( UTC ) his strained long-distance relationship with his mother his. Him so far from his strained long-distance relationship with Nancy, Barb Tommy! The fact that Jonathan does n't excuse some of the time up with the guy actually! That Take US back to the house to call Joyce, Jonathan and Mike kept watch over her before was... Was shown to be a characteristic of ASD Jonathan than asked if Will liked! 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