Another resident back in the early 1800s was Moses Follensby. Moses Follensby is said to have been a wealthy hermit who had a cabin 2 miles southeast of Tupper Lake in the early 1800s. May also be in Ulster or Greene Counties. Ghost town(GT) Elberta, on RR, 2 1/2 miles NE of Ransomville.GT Wilson Station, on RR, 2 miles SE of Wilson.GT Pendleton Center, 4 miles NW of Millersport. The heiress of the house of Marble alone reaped benefit from their labors, for resuming, on a petty scale, the levies of the first dwellers in the rock she boldly placarded the entrance to the workings Ye who enter here leave 25 cents behind.. Unidentified British payroll ship sank near S end of Wolf island $30,000 on board. (LogOut/ It was after the turn of the century when a boat put in, one evening, at Cold Spring Bay, and the next morning the inhabitants found footprints leading to and from a spot where some children had discovered a knotted rope projecting from the soil. The Spaniards were said to have entombed $300,000 in gold near Natchez, Mississippi. Today it is an abandoned labyrinth of graffiti-covered walls, dramatic architectural flourishes, pools of water and abandoned rails. But before he died he is said to have told the police Dont let Satan draw you too fast Some believe that was a coded message referring to the town of Phoenicia because near the town there is a cropping of rocks called the Devils Face and a large rock called the Devils Tombstone. When not paying attention, very soon the hiker is in unknown territory with no trail in sight and no knowledge of where they are or how they got there. A flash of lightning rented the air and stretched him senseless on the grass. Lesser-known pirate Charles Gibbs is said to have buried a large treasure near Southhampton Beach on Long Island. A tree of unknown age the Old Elm stood on Boston Common until the late 19th century. Is it a heart attack? The cabin was at the north end of Follensby Pond just where the Branch enters into the lake. Arnold's Valcour fleet was built there, and it's also the final resting place of the ships that survived the Battle of Plattsburgh. Dutch Schultz (who was born Arthur Flegenheimer on August 6, 1901) was already incarcerated for burglary by the time he was 18. He attempted, and his pick struck a crock that gave a chink, as of gold. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. The DEC had been slowly culling the number of lean-tos in the high peaks through the 1970's and early 80's as hiker volume increased. The slave had been killed, it was surmised, that his spirit might watch the hoard and drive away intruders, but the Frenchman met his fate elsewhere, and his secret, like that of many another miser, perished with him. He tipped in $100 bills and bought "secret" rounds of drinks at local gathering spots. GT Wright, 4 miles NE of Putnam StationGT Cummings, 2 miles S of (GT) WrightGT Shelving Rock, 10 miles due W of Whiteall. But it should not be exaggerated to say that this is a common occurrence, and it should definitely be understood that sizable nuggets in the Northeast are quite uncommon. This can easily occur when one carelessly neglects to keep track of their location, does not carry the proper equipment, or has the equipment but never learned how to use it properly. His delirious stream of chatter, painstakingly notated by police stenographer John Long, included the words "treasure, "Phoenicia", "millions", "hidden in the woods", and "gilt-edged stuff.". Think. On the other hand, a competent bushwhacker is almost continuously focused on their location, and by their very nature much more skilled with route finding. Being lost in the backcountry usually means not knowing ones whereabouts. Some of the forts remains can still be seen. Unlike elongated ranges like the Rockies and the Appalachians, the Adirondacks form a circular dome, 160 miles wide and 1 mile high. So it was a bit of ironic justice when Dutch Schultz's second tax evasion trial was moved to Malone. However, before he had come to the end of the narrative, the visitor burst into a roar of laughter and confessed that he had personated the supernatural visitant, having wagered a dozen bottles of wine with the landlord of the Boars Head that he could get the better of Mike Wild. New London got a bad name from this robbery, and the governor, though besought by the assembly to make good the shortage, failed to do so, and lost his place at the next election. They will be on hand at the spot revealed to them through the vision of a hex layer (a vision that costs them 50 cents) until the night arrives when there are no blue flames. The verdict? There is a back story here that remains buried in time, long since forgotten and forever untold. It was the famous downfall of Al Capone, after all. French soldiers are thought to have buried gold coins in or near Fort Frederick. The legend. After taking out the remainder of the stone, they came on several human skeletons. Fleeing from you initial position can simply lead to getting even farther away from your last known position, which can get you REALLY lost, plus uselessly depleting any energy reserves that just might come in handy while trying to stay warm under a tree. The fourth a man named Thomas Veale escaped to a cavern in the wood, where, it was reputed, great treasures were concealed, and there he lived until the earthquake of 1658, when a rock fell from the roof of the cave, closing the entrance and burying the guilty man in a tomb where, it is presumed, he perished of thirst and hunger. Digging Deeper: Lost Treasures of Massachusetts. Working with other state agencies, local emergency response organizations and volunteer search and rescue groups, Forest Rangers locate and extract lost, injured or distressed people from the Adirondack backcountry. He has been visiting the Adirondacks since childhood and actively exploring its backcountry for almost two decades. In Indian Gap, near Wernersville, Pennsylvania, the Doane band of Tories and terrorists hid a chest of gold, the proceeds of many robberies. For those interested, the clues can be found in 1996 local chamber of commerce guide book to Liberty, although the final clue seems to be missing. The fact that gold can be found in such trace amounts has much to do with the lack of interest in gold mining compared to the fertile farm land. No commercial gold mining operations would ever consider searching for gold in New York as long as this law is in place. The most obvious take home message about getting lost in the backcountry is Do not panic. This can be easier said than done sometimes. The building of Great Camps during the 1880s and 1920s confirm the desire to escape to the Adirondacks for rest and relaxation. This story states that a wealthy recluse who had an estate near Hicksville, NY on Long Island buried many caches of gold and silver coins amounting to $750,000. Outside Warsaw about two miles west, other early residents buried $45,000 in gold coins on the Rogers farm. Aided by his son, he tunneled the solid granite for a distance of 135 feet, the passage being seven feet high and seven wide. The stream is also known as Spectre Brook, for late wandering hunters and scouting soldiers, seeing the forgers moving to and fro about their furnaces, took them for ghosts. A thin sheen of sweat covers the skin, producing a clammy feeling and chills. In 1760 a French Commander is said to have surrendered the Fort there to the British but before doing so he buried a treasure there worth between $10,000 to $100,000 on the Island. A large amount of Tory treasure in concealed in a cave in the Shawanjunk Mountains near Summitville. The opportunities in crime were far more abundant and lucrative, and so when he was paroled out of prison in 1920, he began working in for various trucking companies. The poem, maps, comments from other searchers, and other guides to finding the treasure are online and easy to find. Two Revolutionary War forts, Fort Montgomery and Fort Clinton were located in Bear Mt on the Hudson River, near Palisades Parkway, and route 9W. Click to learn more. Legend has it that they stashed and buried their riches near the Butlerbury mansion before they took off to Canada. Although there is a physical component to getting lost, it remains mostly a state of mind. River pirate Patterson buried a large cache in 1813 on banks of Chippewa creek. In the year 1716 the only inhabitants of the area were Native Americans and . As the great Terry Perkins has said, to bushwack through Five Ponds, one needs to have the right attitude. His father had abandoned the family, a fact he would be in denial about for the rest of his life. Though he turned up many a rood of soil and sounded with his spade for bags and chests of gold, he found nothing. After stopping, the second thing to do is drop your backpack and sit down. The Butlers were Tori raiders Loyalists to the British Crown a much-hated pair in the area. Always know where you are. GT Parkers, 1 mile S (GT) Rector In Niagara county the steamer Alexander sank at Youngstown in 1915. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. ", Rick James, SpongeBob, Rod Serling and 16 other iconic voices of Upstate New York. Grand Island is now a nature preserve called Buckhorn Island State Park. Shortly after, in eighth grade, he had left school to earn money. Afterward, an empty vault was found where he said it would be. Somewhere in the Montezuma swamp in Seneca County, there might be a treasure buried worth $40,000. Then, he was. Legend. This applies whether the mineral is discovered on public land or even if it is found on private property in your own back yard. What they mostly transported was illegal alcohol. Numerous caches from robberies are thought to be located Panama Rocks.The Washington sank in 1834 off Silver creek number of coins unknown. In fact, miners have shown us several grams of nice bright gold dust and pickers that were recovered from their own little secret spot somewhere in Upstate New York. Getting lost in the backcountry can be a terrifying experience, and probably inevitable to some degree for anyone spending enough time in the backcountry. The information on gold occurrences in New York is pretty slim. Every member of a hiking party should have these essentials, and all should be involved in the navigation, whether sticking to the trails, or going beyond them. An Indian girl who stole away from her camp to procure a quantity of this treasure was pursued by her lover, who, frightened at the risk she was about to run from the vultures, stopped her flight by staving in the side of her canoe so that she was compelled to take refuge in his. Later, I self-taught myself the skill and the art in my favored wilderness areas, deep in the Five Ponds and the Pepperbox. During the construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway in the 1950s, much of the island, and the fort upon it, was dredged and destroyed. The mien was threatening, the nose had reddened and extended, the hair was rumpled, and the brow was scowling. If it is so hard to get lost in the backcountry, then why do people do so every year, with some losing their lives in the process? Rawlings included a chapter about the lost Confederate treasure in his 2017 book The Strange Journey of the Confederate Constitution, And Other Stories from Georgia's Historical Past, and also . There are two different versions of this story the first states that British Officer Barrimore Matthew Barry St. Leger buried a chest of gold coins and bars while he was retreating from the Battle of Oriskany in 1777. Even if you dont have a compass it is easy to tell what direction is what during the day. In Shandaken Valley, in the Catskills of New York, it was affirmed that a party of British officers buried money somewhere when they were beset by the farmers and hunters of that region and never got it out of the earth again. They ended up losing their farm in 1866 because of tax evasion. Two years of wandering, fighting, and carousal ensued before the remnant of the crew returned to Oregon. Hardly was the task completed before the Indians appeared in large numbers and set up their tepees, showing that they were meant to remain. This story states that a wealthy recluse who had an estate near Hicksville, NY on Long Island buried many caches of gold and silver coins amounting to $750,000. Part of his defense was that he claimed he didn't have to pay taxes on illegal income. While Dutch Schultz had triumphed for a second time, the consequences of the trial were not over yet. The Butlers were a rich family all of whom were British Loyalists. The combination of bucolic small town and big city gangster was like catnip to the journalists of the era. A pleasant hike in the Adirondack backcountry suddenly turns into a disaster. Here's one we came across in a collection called "Short Stories of Lost Treasure in the Adirondacks." (It has no author, of course.) With global positioning units, personal locator beacons and satellite phones, anyone with the monetary resources and the wherewithal can easily find their position at just the push of a button or two. Conclusion Lost Treasures of New York State, $150 million ingoldand silver coins, paper currency, bonds, and jewels, Phoenicia in the Catskills which is about 60 miles south of Albany New York, The Mansion is located near Fonda, NY on Switzer Hill overlooking the Mohawk River. The Loomis gang had a large farmstead near Seneca, New York where it is said that they buried $40,000 in the Montezuma Swamp in the area. Good article Dan. He had left his mansion at Smiths Pond, New Hampshire, and was making it toward Portsmouth, where he was to enjoy the protection of the British fleet. The Northern soldiers wrecked the potash works and broke away tons of rock, making it dangerous to return. (LogOut/ Win a fun getaway! Robert Dadras, president of the Liberty Museum and Arts Center, is suspicious of the legend, but wouldn't rule out that Hillig would bury a treasure somewhere. In the end, it turned out I journeyed out onto a peninsula, and after keeping my head and returning to the downed tree, I found my way back along the old trail and I safely returned home no worse for the situation. Late in life, the sole survivor of the company went to Camels Hump and tried to recall where the treasure had been hidden, but his search was in vain. Spaniards worked the mines in the Ozark Hills of Missouri in the late 17th century. He was either too sorry for his deeds or too mean to do so. The cabin was at the north end of Follensby Pond just where the Branch enters into the lake. Near a notch in Dug Mountain, between Silver and Hatchery Brooks is a lost silver mine once operated by the English. The twinges of panic that Dan describes would creep in during those unknown location gaps, particularly when a beaver dam I had not planned for or some other obstacle meant I had to unexpectedly change direction. On October 23, 1935, a whole team of killers led by Charles "Bug" Workman converged on the Palace Chop House in Newark, New Jersey, where Dutch had fled when Dewey had made him too much of a target in New York City. Dan has hiked the Northville-Placid Trail twice and climbed all 46 High Peaks but currently spends his backpacking time exploring the northwestern portion of the Adirondacks. Close by, other coins of a later date were found. Old Francois Fontenoy, an Indian trader, buried a brass kettle full of gold at Presque Isle, near Detroit, Michigan, that is still in the earth. Why anyone would ever come up with a rule like this is unknown, and even more bewildering is how it managed to stay on the books for over 230 years is hard to comprehend. In 1942, his plane was hijacked by two German saboteurs during a flight. * Tax evasion trial begins He would always pay in gold coins. When the boughs creaked together on tempestuous nights, it was said that dark shapes might be seen writhing on the branches and capering about the sward below in hellish glee. This is often the most difficult step, especially these days since we live in a culture where always doing something is the norm. Saltpetre Cave, in Georgia, was a factory and magazine for saltpeter, gunpowder, and other military stores during the Civil War. The oldest house at Fort Neck, Long Island, New York, was known for years as the haunted house, and the grave of its owner Captain Jones was called the pirates grave, for, in the last century, Jones was accused of piracy and smuggling, and there have been those who suspected worse. The spirit of the defrauded and murdered captain had claimed him, the medium explained. 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