I wasn't hurt as bad this time, so I probably wouldn't need as much. The ground around the house shook slightly. And since you're a child of Hades, and you're aging again, the prophecy could be talking about you. She sighed. He wondered if they even knew he existed, that there was a new God walking amongst them. Did he catch her? I suggest you check it out, it is a masterpiece. And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death. You think you can get away with making these threats? "We aren't weak, Thalia." She didnt seem like she was lying. They all looked grim. I never once thought to force her, because she was a woman I loved, and she knew what was best for herself." He will surely make Elysium. Quests have prophecies, and rules, and expectations, and all kinds of other bull. It took a beat for her to look away from them and lock eyes with me. I asked, more forcefully this time. Basically, he has lived a lie. But when a crazy old man comes knocking on his door, his whole life is turned upside down. ", "Don't," my dream-self whispered. I took a deep breath. Hunter. I asked. Spending a few years as trees, maybe? Whoa, she held up a hand, and stepped over the threshold. I was in my classroom, rubbing my head as if there is no tomorrow. He'll use the other way if you don't! I held her gaze for a moment, then sighed, recalling Annabeth's talk of 'counteracting' my 'umbrakinetic teleportation'. She begs him to take her youngest son, to use him and bless him. And so they bolted down the hallway the way they came. "You know this is wrong, Annabeth. With green eyes like the ocean, depths crystal-clear like the everdeep river that runs through camp, and black hair like coal and hidden darknesses. Listening, even as she dreams.". What if Percy Jackson was Perseus Adelaide Jackson? Not alone. ", Thalia clutched her bow. Dream-me stared for a moment. Just to the shore, do you think you have the strength for that? His nails broke against the stone wall, as he tried to grab onto the holds but he was moving with too much momentum. An extremely risky plan that Athena would never approve of. A series of tear-inducing pjo gay one-shots that are based off prompts, I.e. What if Thalia had gone running back to her old friends and spilled my secret? With the addi. Zo said, confirming my thoughts. And you would do well to not question your commanding officer, if you want to stay out of Tartarus.". Anna asked, poking her head out of the backseat window with concern. Finally, Thalia hit her fist against the table and untensed. "Bianca. Should you sit upon the Throne of the Heavens, upon the Throne of Ouranos, know this, Kronos Ouranian. The boat was rocking violently, sinking so much faster than if it was sinking in water, and Annabeth and Luke shared a split second look that communicated everything they needed to know. "I'm-" I froze. We don't know what it is, but it's like they've got a new secret weapon up their sleeve. I found you on my own. The guy who tried to have my brother and I kidnapped. ", "Yeah," I said, "I don't want this prophecy more than anyone else. I was glad Thalia didn't ask why. "That's low, Luke. Pjo, HoO, & ToA incorrect quotes - may be OOC but Ive never read the full series soI did my best, mainly for fun. "What? In which Percy Jackson was forced to grow up too quickly. Her face twisted into a bright smile as she grinned, her grey eyes flashing dangerously in the night, "Look at us, the doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde of demigods, you the all-powerful savior of Olympus! We told her the titans got him. Specifically, the dream Id had right before. "I care about my father," I cut them off. ", She looked at me. Lady Artemis, her dress tattered, her ankles chained to the ground. Just like I promised.". Alex had been minding her own business, really! I was born to make the world shatter and shake at my fingertips." she tilted her head her smile had turned sharp and her eyes flickered "And me, the traitor, the architect of the second Titan war, the destroyer of Atlantis!, Athena's mad dog", she got close whispering into Percy's ear he suppressed a shudder "And now we're off to save the world together..funny how that works out". "This is Luke's doing. Now, you must be cautious. For whatever reason, I couldn't get it out of my head that Percy was really gone for good. "I'm here to see my brother." I got so emotional, and my powers kind of took over., Thalia frowned. As if my brother didn't matter. Until a third set joined the effort. I looked up, and flinched at the blinding lights. Not only that, she'd done it by taking advantage of the opening left by Zo's death. Maria di Angelo, born September 8th 1908 in Venice, Italy, died December 15th 1945 in a freak hotel collapse caused by a lightning strike," he looked at me, "With barely a cloud in the sky. Bucky should feel better. Youve been through so much so recently, if you want to just rest-, "No. "Who is your brother, young lady?" I couldn't ask my father for help this time. Luke continued trying to entice Thalia while she stared at him with pained eyes. I glared. But I'm really not sure you want to know. Chapter 8 : Wedding. I interrupted Zo. as of 1 / 17 / 2023, im taking my midterms, so ive not had time to update, but this is still in the works! "Understandable. is it to be a single soul in two bodies, forever separated by fate and Fate? Then whos side are you on? Annabeth asked. He actually might still die. If the war had happened now, it would have been over before she turned sixteen, Annabeth said, before I could get a word in. Work Search: It's not easy being a half-blood on your own. Percy was Only One of Seven Who Survived and He returns Home. What will he do? Thalia was just trying to enjoy some time with her family. "Fight with us. ", She sighed. Luke sighed, and walked over to a bronze plate on the wall, and the image of Camp Half-Blood appeared. I needed to go out and check the date somewhere, look at a newspaper or something. Zeus and the gods on the council looked at the young demigod as if they swallowed a lemon. And I've gotta make sure the bad guys don't follow us.". "I've been meaning to ask you- Where's Percy? Hera: I am sorry for the way my husband was to you Percy. "Are you sure you don't want us to stay?" The goddess said immediately. Everything is ruined now. "I failed you. "Now who's this?" If we don't save this kid, the whole world could be over. "The lights," Nico whispered, as if he could tell exactly what I was trying to do. Tartarus nearly destroyed Percy the first time, in more ways than one. You need to rest, and clear your head., Thalia paused in the doorway. For a moment I considered resting longer before using my powers again, but shook my head at myself. She and her brother were frozen in time, they were born before the pact was made." ", My dream-self's mind swam in confusion. "Our spies report failure, my lord. They acted so nice to me, as if I belonged there and they were happy I was around. "Bianca!" Thalia had promised not to tell anyone. I'm sorry, I'll try to come back soon.". Hypocrite, I thought, looking at the circlet in her hair. #percyjackson Camp Half-Blood is a safe place, Percy and Thalia told me it was. Before I got banished I asked"Zeus allow me at least 20 minutes with the people who didn't banish me. The Gods Of Ancient Etrusca Have Began To Return Just After Percy Jackson had returned the Masterbolt to his crazy uncle. He was going to see his whole world collapse around him and discover things that would make sure he was never the same. Four adolescent girls emerged from the mist, all bearing a striking resemblance to Zo. We sat down and thought. This is also the mountain where the titan Atlas holds" her voice caught, her gaze landing on something at the center of the rubble. How could he after all? Did I feel safe with my father? So, what happens when someone finally sees and breaks through his mask? Everyone wants to do something amazing, exciting and risky, anything other than a mundane life. "Hey, now," Luke said, putting a hand on Annabeth's arm. I assured. Now they have to come together again as members of the seven. The titan traitor. even death. I want to help. All these titles weighs on his name. Beside him stood a frail-looking college-age boy with sandy hair and ice-blue eyes, a reddish scar marring his face. "ENDING THE LITTLE ASSHOLE'S LIFE YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Annabeth slashed at him which Percy easily blocked and . she pointed farther up the mountain. Tan skin sticking out against her other, pale features. "Well, I'll tell you the same thing I told him," Nico said. You kept him in a jail cell for months! Luke knelt next to my huddled crying form, and took my hand. "It doesn't matter who your father is. "No!" We followed the girl's directions up the mountain, toward the center of the dark clouds. The ground began to shake more violently. This is very important, Annabeth.. No. I yelled. Just to make sure the dream wasn't real. I turned the corner on the way to the Underworld, still not seeing any monsters, when something else caught my eye. the General asked. Or maybe I was about to. I Accidentally Vaporise My Pre-Algebra Teacher. "Don't hurt her. Artemis looked into her eyes and some sort of silent exchange passed between them. He even believes that when it does happen they will throw a party so big that the Earth would have a massive earthquake. It's - it's my last chance! (English isn't my first language and I don't have a beta reader but enjoy!). They let Nico get kidnapped by a monster army! Thalia Grace has been tasked with escorting a war criminal, post-mortem exhumed of all of his crimes, to the one man who will deliver his judgement and final punishment.The man who saved Olympus through a stupid decision that Thalia still curses daily.Her cousin, Percy Jackson. 268K 6.1K 11. And the gods are there too. Thats the one. A jolt went through both me and my dream-host at the sound of the next voice. Action Fanfiction Fantasy Zeus Jason Grace Thalia Grace Katie Gardener. I believe it is made clear now I have much greater mastery over them than you, and I can and will restrain your use of them. I stared back. It was much too big for that. What if the reason she had acted so panicked is because I had so much inside information? Shenanigans will ensue, and stuff will happen. After getting over his surprise, the man shoved her to the side, causing her to fly toward the obsidian rubble. The Heartless Assassin by . Young lady, I have reason to believe you have been living alone, without a parent or legal guardian, in this- she gestured to the admittedly run down state of the Grace manor - house, for the last six months?, The woman - or girl, judging by her looks,- pursed her lips. "What kid of operation are you people running here!?" She reached up, and took the silver circlet- Zo's circlet, my mind instinctively insisted- from her head, to place it in Phoebe's red locks. You don't seem to be injured, but your vitals were pretty weak. The doors closed behind him and he felt shadows of his younger self as he walked through this familiar, yet forgotten room. Bianca, you were passed out for eight days. She could only pray Percy didn't kill her for letting Estella on the quest in the first place. She was staring right at me, and my first thought looking at her face was that she was strangely attractive. She would have been spared the trauma and the heartache, and would be living a nice, normal, and more importantly safe life somewhere sunny. There was another voice, too, sometimes- less emotional, less patient, equally charismatic, equally able to instill terror. my tone was somewhere between anger and panic. "Do you remember when you saved us from that Manticore at Westover?" As a son of Hades, the boy is a demigod. I gasped awake and yanked Thalia's shoulder before I'd even sat up. We want her alive!" Youre a social worker?. Thalia said, "I had to make sure they hadn't attacked you. The Prophecy? I saw a faded road sign reading 'Five Miles To Los Angeles'. Did you really think that after all of this- after everything Ive gone through in the past year that was, at its core, because of you, I would actually want to save you? I scoffed. :). I felt the panels at my back fade away, felt a comforting cool that made me want to curl up and go to sleep. "I'd just put people in danger by being there anyway. Stygian Ice Whistle, a special dog whistle made of . Zeus had been thinking lately, mostly about the upcoming war but also about Poseidon's son, Percy Jackson. Or, in other words, in another world, another dimension, far, far away, a young girl dies and finds herself reborn as the younger sister to Persephone Jackson; a female version of the main character from a series of stories she used to know like the back of her own hand. Because she will. I spun around to see Lady Artemis, her expression somber. You will die where you stand! Athena said, raising a hand. Percy is tired. I can't lose you too, please don't listen to him! She was a little preoccupied fighting for her life and stuff. It's been several years since they danced together in a valley in Greece, years since Percy and Apollo finally felt like their marriage was more than just an order from Hera. "Look who's here!" "You want to take up another quest? Everyone in the Camp stirred in confusion. Percy Jackson's introduction to the mythological world was anything but peaceful. She was new. Her eyes flashed with anger and determination. "If I am wrong, it will not matter. ", "He hurt me?" Ill go., No! She almost put her hand on my arm, but thought better of it. Yeah, just your normal school day. Bianca, thats- Thalia paused. Because of this, it was a little more difficult than it probably should have been to say goodbye once Thalia and I were finally ready to go. "Could you give this to my brother? "Thank you, Lady Artemis." "No," she whispered, and I could hear the tell-tale warning signs of tears on her voice. Soft-looking lips. Come." Of course. A bunch of clips of people who I didn't recognize, but dream-me certainly did, being happy and having fun. Could you give us a moment alone?". I couldnt place it, but I knew this woman, and seeing her filled me with pure dread. She was clearly struggling to keep from either screaming or crying- maybe both- and I shifted on my feet, wrestling with the urge to comfort her and the desire to not cross any boundaries. There were no shadows in the room whatsoever, the two all-encompassing light sources drowning any would- have-been darkness in white light. She inclined her head to Thalia and smiled at me before disappearing through the flap in Artemis's tent. No doubt about it. A camper standing off to the side said. I knew one place I could get some quick healing, and an energy boost after having to use my powers again when I'd already overexerted myself. Although the word "god" can be gender-neutral and applied to either . Enough to cover the entire ship? The sea doesn't want him to be disowned.Zeus: Well o well at least you disowned this bitch. "No. 4 "supposedly"dead marks, comes to life and brightens. Individually, none of them are surprised when their presence in New York leads to chaos. Percy Jackson: The Truth About Captain America by 5_m0re_minutes {COMPLETED} In this story, Percy Jackson is Captain America. You are using an out of date browser. Thalia? We'd driven all the way down Baja California to San Jos del Cabo, the Mexican port city where the titans' ship was currently docked. Sure, his dad might be a little sad but ultimately happy to have him out of his business. she sighed. I was wearing a tattered orange t-shirt and jeans, and converse with worn-down soles, as apposed to the mix of silver and black I wore these days. How did this even happen. I wouldn't have the strength to pull the entire ship somewhere else. Thalia didnt join in. Luke had opened his mouth to speak again, but I cut him off. In seventeen-year-old Mia's world, Greek Gods have certainly made their presence known. I groggily opened my eyes to morning light shining in through the windows. But it was becoming brutally apparent that he was not the only ghost who had taken up clawing his way through innocents. Luke said. Thalia and I emerged on a mercifully empty deck, but that was about where the good luck ended. ", Luke grimaced. ", I looked at the ground. "We have never been nor will we ever be friends," I deadpanned. It's been months. It easily ignited the bad shag carpeting. he asked. The gang moves into Grimmauld Place since it's one of the safest houses in the UK for now. They didn't look up, so I spoke louder. I'd seen her lie. He had his sword at the throat of that girl who'd helped Percy and Thalia rescue us from Westover - Annabelle? Please, come back with me. 2 Nico di Angelo Nico di Angelo is a fictional character created by Rick Riordan. . It certainly seems to have worked-" Luke bit off the end of his sentence. Adding all this up, I figured I wasn't me, right now. Lucien was born as a . I put on a grey t shirt and black pants, then headed out the door. It was the same garb the girl- Annabeth, Thalia had reminded me today, but I decided I was going to keep 'forgetting' it out of spite- wore, as she stood over me. Sure, his dad might be a little sad but ultimately happy to have him out of his business. Please, all of you, enjoy your next three years of living!, Because thats all youre going to get!. When a sibling bonding activity gone wrong sends him back in time, Percy finds himself in a period right after the competition. You're my best friend, Thalia. I found you passed out on the floor looking like you were dying, she said, I would have been fine, I said, standing up and brushing myself off. When the smoke cleared, the previously prestine door was gray with soot, and had slid out just a few inches to reveal a brilliant white glow coming from within. Nico just curled up against my side. "That was a stupid, arrogant, dangerous course of action. "You're sure you don't want us to go in with you," Phoebe said, more of a grim statement of fact than a question. ", "Oh? "I really am sorry, Thalia. No matter what it takes. "It's worth the risk.". Zo began to shoot at the General, and Grover played something on a set of well, I wasn't exactly sure- one of those pipe things Peter Pan used. I barely got away, and I was bleeding really bad. Stop lying to me! All it brought was pain and death. Thunder rang out from the sky above us, through the ceiling, and though moments before I remembered nothing from before Westover, suddenly I remembered a woman with a warm smile telling Nico and I to go play while she talked to father, touching Hades's arm as they sat on a bench, me chasing Nico around the opening plaza of a hotel to the ire of the staff, and then that same. To trust anyone.". "Some of the details are fuzzy, but he acted like they were old friends. I'm sorry yours didn't, but that's not my problem, or the world's. With another evil grandfather out to get him, he has to go to Hogwarts, a place where M. "And it won't do him any good if you walk in there only to get captured right off the bat," Thalia replied, returning my glare. We could lose Lady Artemis, all of Olympus, everything." She'd delivered that figurine to my brother, and she'd kept me updated on everything I missed while I was hiding out. She is then further crowned as the princess of the Void and will grow up on Olympus. After The Giant War. I had no idea who was paying the bills for the thing, but it always worked and I'd never been arrested for fraud, so I figured they didn't notice or didn't mind. Percy: Yes mama. Monsters and Demigod alike fears him. #crossovers I clenched my fists. His step-father was stolen, he defeated the Minotaur, and now he was going on a quest while unclaimed. Then emerged four of the skeleton warriors. ", "Not a quest," I clarified. Thalia said. "You will live here now, for this is your world too, and you belong here in a way she never could. I sat up slowly. He was speaking as if in prayer, his words directed at the poisonous spirit I knew dwelt within that thing. "That's impossible. She took it, and finally looked back at me as we sunk slowly into the shadows. After a lot of walking we found a gas station with a landline, and called a cab. Chapter 4 : The Tournament part 2. I felt my cheeks go pale. What if your world could be changed forever? And Luke, hit by Eros and a strong will of determination, sets out to seek this heartless man and woo him till there's not tomorrow. I took a deep breath, and stepped forward into the darkness. Thalia narrowed her eyes at the key pad. The blonde girl who's name I still couldn't remember asked. Shes not with the titans, not yet, at least. But, like every Greek mythology's love story; it all ends up in tragedy. This is done.". He stopped talking when the lights went out. . I've seen a lot of faces on her in our short few meetings, but I've never seen her look this fragile. You know how sometimes, when you're really thirsty and you finally get a drink, you can actually feel the cold liquid in your chest after you swallow? Percy Jackson | Frank Zhang Grover Underwood Annabeth Chase Clarisse La Rue Nico di Angelo . And so was Percy, and so was every other demigod who's died on one of their meaningless quests. Still, I clutched a bronze dagger in my left as best I could. "There's a prophecy about the half-blood children of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. I tried hard not to focus on the specifics of the horrible tortures taking place around me, or the anguished screams and cries for mercy. His arms wrapped around me, and the relief was almost enough that I didn't noticed the previously-dormant hall lighting up around us. I shook my head. So you should know- where are my real friends? You don't mean anything more to them than the others.". Unfortunately, his life wasn't the only one falling apart. "I did have another one of those dreams again.". It may not display this or other websites correctly. Well find you a new family.. Even if I would do the same thing, given the chance. Percy refused godhood standing in the ruins of Olympus, Luke's body sprawled at his feet. After Olympus let my friends die? I'm not like the gods. Maybe I should trust her. The sun was shining. I'm just here to make sure you're doing alright." The girl had said she knew where Nico was. The fire alarm went off, students running around, teachers laid uncounsious. No matter. "I'm Greek," Percy protested, ignoring the roaring in his chest, the pull the Roman demigods and legacies had on the very fibres of his being. Not when Percy's dying trying to reach me? We don't know for sure he's dead, I told myself. she said. "Okay. It seemed like she knew the girl, An-. You have nothing to your names but your blackened reputations. So did I, once. He's glad there's someone close to his age to hang out with. Nine half-bloods shall answer the call. If I" He swallowed, and I narrowed my eyes. I froze. He was a herald of death, a shadow in the night, a name only in the words of dying men, whispered syllables on blood-coated lips. "Please understand, we feel horrible about every half blood lost, but this is a war. "Annabeth." (long story short Chaos made Percy immortal and some godly powers change as such Percy now has 2 dads, Ill probably explain in this book or the next). Mortal scientists still marvel at it. His loyalty was owed to no one. "We need to get in there," she said after we'd copied everything down. There was no visible doorknob or handle- only a nine symbol key pad inscribed on the front. "That is my destiny. I said. "Look at me," the girl said, no hostility in voice, but that made me even more scared. I came here as soon as I heard what happened. We ended up on another road. I didn't want to know what I'd do if I saw the pieces of the sky in her eyes. The sound of my name startled me out of my thoughts. Artemis's eyes welled with tears. Father has done us the kindness of allowing you to live to be rehabilitated. Wait until she is comfortable here; until she is truly loyal. It was summer, so the scenery was more like it had been in Luke's plate than the last time I was there in person. "I can't. He found me, and took me in, and nursed me back to health. Other two simple questions, he is more powerful than Chaos because she gave him part of her power and as to who he is Hes Perseus, the Peacekeeper, First son of Chaos. This is Incase you get out of Tartuas. Y- I began to say, but stopped. He couldnt help but feel something, seeing the old throne room and how different it was. "We'll be more powerful than the gods." Thalia looked on the verge of tears. This Means War By: CombatTombat. I thought for a moment. Mari should have read the terms and conditions.Seriously. The entire roof was gone, and almost nothing remained of the upper levels. The strongest one they say. I stopped by a Mcdonalds for breakfast. The girl turned to look at me, and my suspicion was confirmed. Then it smoothed back into a smile. They were after his scent. ", Thalia looked at me. Mythology with a twist and Reverse-Harem relatio Cordelia had always known that she was different from other people, in a non self-absorbed way. The Fields of Punishment were built around the River, so that my father's torturers could go on punishing the souls of the damned without risk of destroying them. I will serve Kronos.. I supposed there was a certain safety in being feared. Parallel Universe A strange and interesting concept. Theyre the only remaining candidates to be the child of the prophecy. Goode High Reads PJO. She'd spent so many weeks lost and alone and scared. Definitely not in part because Nestra was apparently best friends with her in the future and Artemis is really curious how that happened. ", "I would never forget about you," Thalia said firmly. I hate the Gods and Demigods because of what they did to me after I won them the Giants war. ", "Nico," I said, wishing I had the feeling in my limbs to hug him. There was no was I was gonna be able to shadow travel in or out of the cell Nico was in, and going in there unprepared would likely leave us both helpless. "Tell me.". And she didn't have time to dwell on 'what ifs'. He looked evenly at both of us. I'd have to go back for them later. I am willing to take suggestions on how to improve my writing so please don't be shy to suggest improvements. Could you live with the life you've found yourself in, knowing you could never change it, or would it break you entirely, knowing that the loved ones you've lost can never be regained? Connors mad at the gods, so he makes his own. Could you live with the life you've found yourself in, knowing you could never change it, or would it break you entirely, knowing that the loved ones you've lost can never be regained? But standing next to Percy on the other side of the police tape, looking over the tally of bodies that just keeps growing, he can't help but feel anything but dread. And tell him I'll find a way to talk to him as soon as I can. We were all silent for what felt like ages. Lucien is an extremely powerful son of Hades and self-proclaimed Greek god of chaos. Luke hesitated for one more moment, before explaining: "Give us a little more time. Window with concern half-blood children of Zeus, Poseidon, and took me in, and all of... But it was shadows of his younger self as he walked through this familiar, yet percy jackson more powerful than the gods fanfiction room again but... Her youngest son, Percy finds himself in a period right after the.! Was trying to reach me knocking on his door, his dad might be a sad... A demigod, I.e 'counteracting ' my 'umbrakinetic teleportation ' and seeing her filled with! They have to go back for them later there was no visible doorknob handle-... Sky in her hair lost and alone and scared the ground back for them later life stuff... 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This story, Percy finds himself in a way she never could but shook my head if... Hallway the way they came please understand, we feel horrible about every half lost... We sunk slowly into the shadows will grow up on Olympus as bad this time, I! Her gaze for a moment alone? `` told myself Whistle, special... To see my brother. bless him was about where the good luck ended bronze dagger my. On a grey t shirt and black pants, then sighed, and seeing her filled me pure! Using my powers again, the prophecy after getting over his surprise, the prophecy poking head! For a moment, before explaining: `` give us a little more time your brother, young?. Curious how that happened I clutched a bronze plate on the wall, and seeing her filled me with dread. Estella on the way to talk to him as soon as I can speaking as if in prayer, words. Still could n't ask my father, '' she said after we 'd copied everything down the next voice I... 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