BookThreeXXV His slave Clemens pretended to be him after his dath, and gained a following, but was trapped and executed by Tiberius. Sallustius Lucullus, Roman governor of Britain in the late 1st century may have been a son of this prince. Lucius Aelius Sejanus, commonly known as Sejanus, was an ambitious soldier, friend and confidant of the Roman Emperor Tiberius. Sejanus was the son of Lucius Sejus Strabo, an equite who became praetorian prefect under Octavian Augustus. BookFourXLVI BookFiveXX The Pharos was a tower built between 280BC and 247BC on the island of Pharos at Alexandria, to guide sailors into the harbour at night. That year a mutiny had broken out among legions posted in Pannonia and Germania. The son of a freedman, Accius was born at Pisaurum in Umbria. Albano is located in the area in which, according to the legend, Aeneass son, Ascanius, founded Alba Longa. With a height of 400 feet or so, it was for many centuries among the tallest man-made structures, and one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. In 14 ce, upon the accession of Tiberius, he joined his father, Seius Strabo, as prefect of the emperors household troops, the Praetorian Guard, and became sole prefect a year or two later. Cordus was brought to trial in AD 25 by Sejanus, under accusations of treason. BookTwoXII BookThreeIV Antony fled to join him after Mutina. Apollo in Greek mythology was the son of Zeus and Leto, and had a twin sister, Artemis. Lucius Aelius Seianus (3 June 20 BC - 18 October AD 31), commonly known as Sejanus (/sdens/), was a Roman soldier, friend and confidant of the Roman Emperor Tiberius. Balbus married Julia Minor, second eldest sister of Julius Caesar. For the Ben Jonson play, see, Sejanus is arrested, an etching by G. Mochetti after drawing by Bartolomeo Pinelli. To have the children assume a brutalised form of adulthood beforehand was to conform to roman custom, and prevent bad luck from the gods disfavour as well as causing an even worse outrage amongst the public for flouting these customs. Over the years he had grown increasingly disillusioned with the position of princeps, and by sharing the tribunician powers with Drusus in AD 22 he had prepared to relinquish some of his responsibilities in favour of his son. It's easy! BookSevenVI Galba was governor of Aquitania for almost a year. Those are things everyone is born with, and they're not yours for the taking. Excavation of the Serapeum at Memphis has revealed the tombs of over sixty sacred bulls, the animals dating from the time of Amenophis III. Sejanus despised the Jews and wanted to exterminate their race. Several kings, many of whom became gods, were: Saturn, Thybris, Faunus, Aventinus, Picus and the alleged namesake of the country of Latium, Latinus. During the civil war, Gaius was a legate of Julius Caesar (49BC), and entrusted, with Publius Cornelius Dolabella, with the defence of Illyricum against the Pompeians. BookFourXLIV His surrender was received by Caligula. I believe Tiberius was simply scared to death of the Sejanus conspiracy and wanted to ensure there were no offspring left to avenge their father. [15] By this time he had been raised to the rank of praetor, a position which was not normally granted to Romans of the equestrian class. BookOneIV Caesar decided to study rhetoric with him. Cleopatra and Antonius children probably weren't consider Romans and as such they could be spared, it's also importand to remember that the civil war against Antonius was allways presented as a war against Egypt and Cleopatra and it's may be another factor in Octavian decision to spare some of Antonius children. Forced into exile in Sardinia, he died soon afterwards. He became tutor to Claudius. Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius (c. 63BC 12BC) was a close friend, and defence minister of the future emperor Augustus. BookFourLII Caligula took Alexanders breastplate from the sarcophagus there. Tiberius was well aware of his vulnerability as emperor, that at any moment an envious rival might attempt to push him aside, and that in roman societies family bonds were very strong. BookThreeLXI Tiberiuss subsequent persecution of Sejanuss friends. The Battle of Actium was fought between the forces of Octavian and the combined forces of Mark Antony and Cleopatra, on 2 September 31BC, in the Ionian Sea nearby. It's cold and it's brutal, but it is, alas, expedient. BookTwoXIX He was executed by Augustus in 30BC for conspiring against him. BookOneLXXXVII Caesar had dined at his house on the eve of the assassination. Aenaria, modern Ischia, is a volcanic island in the Tyrrhenian Sea, at the northern end of the Gulf of Naples. BookOneLXXXII Prevented Caesars assassins carrying out their plans after the assassination. Motivated by a personal grudge he led a rebellion involving the legions Legio XIV Gemina and Legio XXI Rapax, camped in Moguntiacum (Mainz). Ariminum, modern Rimini, is located on the Adriatic, near the coast between the rivers Marecchia (the ancient Ariminus) and Ausa (Aprusa). BookFiveXI Claudius honoured her with the title Augusta. Astura, now Torre Astura, formerly an island is now a peninsula, and lies on the coast of Latium, at the southeast extremity of the Bay of Antium, on the road to Circeii. Lepida married, by 13AD, Appius Junius Silanus. BookThreeVII His daughter Agrippina Vipsania the Younger the married Tiberius. He may also have been the son of the consul of the same name of 225BC. BookSixLIII Nero flatteringly acclaimed as his equal in music. BookThreeVII She married Tiberius after 19BC. He was born in 14 BC in Rome with the name Nero Claudius Drusus, and is often referred to by historians as Drusus II, Drusus the Younger and Drusus Minor to distinguish him from his paternal uncle, Nero Claudius Drusus, the younger brother of Tiberius after whom Drusus was named. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Alcmaeon killed her to avenge the treachery. His first marriage, to Plautia Urgulanilla, occurred after two failed betrothals. Sometime in 39AD, Caligula made public letters by his sisters Agrippina the Younger and Julia Livilla detailing adulterous affairs with Lepidus and a plot against the emperor. Herodotus placed them in a region bordering Scythia in Sarmatia (modernterritory of Ukraine). BookFourVIII The birthplace of Caligula according to Suetonius. Arelate, modern Arles, is a city in the south of France, in the former province of Provence. BookThreeIV Tiberius father, Tiberius Nero, established a colony of Caesars veterans there. [84] This was followed in 1634 by another translation, Sir Thomas Hawkins' Politicall Observations upon the Fall of Sejanus, which had originally been titled Della peripetia di fortuna (Of Changes of Fortune) by its author, Giovanni Battista Manzini. Atia Balba Caesonia (85BC - 43BC), sometimes referred to as Atia Balba Secunda to differentiate her from her two sisters, was the daughter of Julius Caesars sister Julia Caesaris, mother of the Emperor Augustus, step-grandmother of the Emperor Tiberius, great-great grandmother of the Emperor Caligula and Empress Agrippina the Younger, great-grandmother of the Emperor Claudius, and great-great-great-grandmother of the Emperor Nero. BookThreeXLV BookThreeLXXV BookFourXXVII BookSixXXXIX Mentioned. Arrecina Tertulla (d. 62/63AD) was the first wife of the Emperor Titus, and daughter of Marcus Arrecinus Clemens, Praetorian Prefect in 38 under Caligula. But suddenly, at the end of AD 31, he was arrested, summarily executed and his body unceremoniously cast down the Gemonian stairs. BookSixXXV The Pythian Games (Delphic Games) were held every four years at the sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi. Situated at the junction of Western Asia and Eastern Europe, and therefore a gateway to Parthia, the Kingdom of Armenia, under the Artaxiad Dynasty, was made a Roman protectorate by Pompey in 66/65 BC. Having more weapons doesn't give you that right. BookTwoXCVI An omen of Augustus victory there. In the book version of I Claudius there is a reference to executing a boy in his toga virilis (which Graves translates as "Manly Gown" haha)as a mock coming-of-age ceremony. He succeeded Augustus, who founded the Julio-Claudian dynasty. Augustus (Octavian) was her maternal uncle. William Shakespeare's last will and testament was signed on 25 March 1616, just under a month before his death. Lucius Aelius Sejanus (c. 20 BC - 18 October AD 31), commonly known as Sejanus (), was a Roman soldier, friend and confidant of the Roman Emperor Tiberius.Of the Equites class by birth, Sejanus rose to power as prefect of the Praetorian Guard (the Roman imperial bodyguard), of which he was commander from AD 14 until his execution for treason in AD 31. BookTwoXXIX BookTwoXXXI BookTwoLII BookSixXXV The Palatine Temple of Apollo built by Augustus in Rome was dedicated in 28BC. It is now a suburb of Rome, which is 25 km distant. Marcellus was a Senator in Claudius and Neros reigns. He was raised to the throne by those Parthians who refused to acknowledge Vonones I, whom Augustus had sent from Rome (where he lived as hostage) to succeed his father Phraates IV. BookOneL Caesar described by Pompey as an Aegisthus. [94] It also figures in Robert Graves' I, Claudius (1934),[95] which was given new life when it was adapted for television as I, Claudius in 1976. An equestrian by birth, Sejanus rose to power as prefect of the Roman imperial bodyguard, known as the Praetorian Guard, of which he was commander from AD 14 until his execution for treason in AD 31. BookFourXXXVI Caligula was rumoured to have had sexual intercourse with him. BookFourXXX Caligula quotes Oderint, dum metuant. Sejanus was born in 20 BC at Volsinii, Etruria, into the family of Lucius Seius Strabo.The Seii were Romans of the equestrian class or knights, the lower of the two upper social classes of the Roman Republic and the early Roman Empire.Sejanus' grandfather maintain relations with senatorial families through his marriage with Terentia, a sister of the wife of Gaius Maecenas, who was one of . However, he died at Misenum before he could set out for Rome. The actual date the Castra Praetoria was founded may have been AD 20. When the script flipped and Sejanus was killed, his son and his daughter were put in front of a bunch of soldiers. a. Sejanus attempted to betrothe his infant daughter Junilla to the future emperor Claudius' son, but Claudius' son died. With Apicata, he had three children,Tacitus, Annals IV.3 two sons and one daughter: Strabo, Capito Aelianus and Junilla. [10] Furthermore, their presence served as a constant reminder to the people and the Senate of the substantial armed force which served as the basis for the imperial power. Julia Drusi Caesaris Filia (Classical Latin: IVLIADRVSICAESARISFILIA, 5-43) was the daughter of Drusus Julius Caesar and Livilla and granddaughter to the Roman Emperor Tiberius. Sejanus' imperial connections are rightly stressed : his daughter, Junilla, executed in A. D. 31, was betrothed to Claudius' son Drusus while Claudius married Aelia Paetina, daughter of Sejanus' frater patruelis Sex. Some hold that Sejanus seduced Livilla (sister of Germanicus and wife of Drusus II) and plotted with her to kill Drusus II. Athenodorus Cananites, or Athenodorus Calvus, was a stoic philosopher from Tarsus (his father Sandon came from Cana in Silicia) who accompanied Octavian from Apollonia to Rome. [87] The story of Sejanus, with reference to the Earl's imprisonment in the Tower on a charge of treason, is interpreted as an argument for absolute monarchy, direct rule without the intermediary of politicians. Nothing of his work has survived. If not, at what point did it become acceptable to kill innocents because of their parents actions? Arrecinus Clemens, Marcus was brother to Arrecina Tertulla, the first wife of the Emperor Titus. Tacitus portrays Sejanus as one of the most infamous and sinister characters in all of Roman history. Riots ensued, in which mobs hunted down and killed anyone they could link to Sejanus. The name Atia Balba was also borne by the other two daughters of Julia Caesaris and her husband praetor Marcus Atius Balbus. [37] Among those who perished were Gaius Asinius Gallus, a prominent senator and opponent of Tiberius who was linked to Agrippina's faction. As early as 20, Sejanus had sought to solidify his connection with the imperial family by betrothing his daughter Junilla to the son of Claudius, Claudius Drusus. Her father Agrippa died in March, 12BC. A Touch of Murder. I apsolutely don't agree with Tiberius's orders to kill Sajanus's children. Yes Roman boys had a coming-of-age at an age which the paterfamilias saw fit but usually in mid to late teens. [85][86] Later in the century Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury, was the target of the four-page political pamphlet Sejanus, or The popular favourite, now in his solitude, and sufferings, signed with the pseudonym Timothy Tory (1681). BookFourXXXI The loss of Varus and his legions was a notable event during his reign. Augustus had Agrippas remains placed in his own mausoleum. BookFourXV Caligula included her and her sisters in the wording of formal oaths. It is conventional to call him Octavius when referring to events between 63BC and 44BC, Octavian (or Octavianus) when referring to events between 44BC and 27BC, and Augustus when referring to events after 27BC. Strabo married into equally illustrious families. He gained a decisive victory over the Vitellians at Betriacum in October 69, and then stormed and set fire to Cremona. In AD 31, history suggests that Tiberius' sister-in-law sent a letter to Tiberius informing him of an impending coup by Sejanus to make . His father, Strabo, made much of his wealth from munitions and weapon manufacturing. His last campaign initiated the conquest of the upper Danube region, which would become the Roman province of Pannonia in 13BC. In 27, however, Sejanus persuaded the emperor to take up residence on Capreae (modern Capri) and in 29 succeeded in having Agrippina and her son Nero exiled. In 41BC, he was consul with Publius Servilius Vatia. His fellow rebel, Marcus Junius Brutus the Elder, the father of Caesars assassin of the same name, remained at Mutina, in Gaul. [33] Alarmed by this sudden denigration, Sejanus changed his plans and began to isolate Tiberius from Rome. . He commanded the fleet at Misenum in 60AD, and was employed by Nero to murder Agrippina, his mother. His most important literary work was the Libri posteriores a systematic exposition of the common law. BookOneI Identification presumed. BookTwoXVI Mentioned as being on Octavians staff in Sicily. BookSixXLIV Nero intended to equip his concubines as Amazons for his Gallic campaign. Agrippa Postumus, Marcus (12BC 14AD) also known as Agrippa Postumus, or Postumus Agrippa, was a son of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa and Julia the Elder. Corrections? Alexandrians were the inhabitants of Alexandria, the capital of Egypt from its foundation by Alexander the Great in 331BC until the Muslim Conquest in 641AD. His first and only known post is that of consul in 1AD with his brother-in-law, Gaius Caesar. In his work he praised Tiberius and Sejanus, even defending the latter's high position in the government, despite not ranking higher than equestrian. Afranius, Lucius, d. 46BC was a legatus and client of Pompey. BookThreeLXX His name among the girls was the subject of one of Tiberiuss questions to the grammarians. While the Praetorian Guard was formally established under Emperor Augustus, Sejanus introduced a number of reforms which saw the unit evolve beyond a mere bodyguard into a powerful and influential branch of the government involved in public security, civil administration and ultimately political intercession; these changes had a lasting impact on the course of the Principate. Atia married the Roman Macedonian governor and senator Gaius Octavius. BookFourXXIV BookFourXXIX She and her sister Livilla were exiled by Caligula. Tiberius was the second Emperor of Rome, reigning from A.D. 14-37. BookThreeIX BookThreeXI Tiberius there in 20BC. BookTwoLXII Augustus married Antonys step-daughter Claudia. Between 17AD and 38AD, Antiochus lived in Rome. Is this the exception that prooved the rule? BookThreeIV BookSevenI He married Livia Drusilla, surrendered to him by Tiberius father, Tiberius Nero who divorced her at Augustus request. For a time the most influential and feared citizen of Rome, Sejanus suddenly fell from power in AD 31, the year his career culminated with the consulship. That sounds very interesting. Edward Togo Salmon wrote that, In the whole twenty two years of Tiberius' reign, not more than fifty-two persons were accused of treason, of whom almost half escaped conviction, while the four innocent people to be condemned fell victims to the excessive zeal of the Senate, not to the Emperor's tyranny. With the intentions of the emperor no longer clear, it was now deemed a safer course of action in Rome to withdraw from overtly supporting Sejanus until the matter was clearly resolved. He is the most celebrated member of the Argead Dynasty and created one of the largest empires in ancient history. BookTwoXCVIII Active trade with Rome, with Puteoli as a harbour used by Alexandrian ships. Asiaticus was a freedman and catamite of Vitellius. The original Latin colony became a municipium c 90BC. He probably served in Caesars campaign of 46/45BC against Pompey and Caesar regarded him highly enough to send him with Octavius in 45BC to study at Apollonia. After 8BC, Archelaus married Queen Pythodorida of Pontus. Disagreement between Octavian and Antony erupted into civil war, the Final War of the Roman Republic, in 31BC. When I heard about that on the movie, I Claudius, I was deeply sadened and disgussed! BookSevenXXXVI A Roman colony, named after the Vitelli, was defended against them by the Vitelli. Lucius Aelius Sejanus (c. 20 BC - 18 October AD 31), commonly known as Sejanus (/ s d e n s /), was a Roman soldier, friend and confidant of the Roman Emperor Tiberius.Of the Equites class by birth, Sejanus rose to power as prefect of the Praetorian Guard (the Roman imperial bodyguard), of which he was commander from AD 14 until his execution for treason in AD 31. At the time the girl was only 4 years old but the marriage was prevented when the boy accidentally died a few days later of asphyxiation . He himself was ruler of the Cantiaci of eastern Kent, and was deposed and exiled by his father c. 40AD. Antonius Saturninus, Lucius, was the governor of Germania Superior during the reign of Domitian in 89AD. BookThreeLVIII Tiberiuss abuse of the law of lese-majesty regarding Augustus. BookFourVIII A letter of his quoted regarding Caligula. BookTwoL Augustus second seal-ring carried a head of Alexander. Asinius Marcellus, Marcus was consul in 54AD. [28] With these hopes now dashed, Tiberius left his administration more than ever in the care of Sejanus and looked toward the sons of Germanicus (Nero Caesar, Drusus Caesar and Caligula) as possible heirs. BookOneVI He founded Caesars paternal aunts maternal line, the Marcii Reges. Does this make any since? Octavian restored the outward forms of the Roman Republic, with governmental power vested in the Roman Senate, but in practice retained autocratic power. He was a friend of Augustus and an opponent of Tiberius, who had him arrested in 30. BookThreeLXX Tiberius made a filial sacrifice in his memory. Antistius Labeo, Marcus (d. c. 11AD) was a prominent jurist the son of Quintus Antistius Labeo, also a jurist who died at Philippi. Aricia was one of the oldest cities of ancient Latium, and as the leader of the Latin League was a serious opponent of Rome during the early days of the Roman Republic. He was perhaps a descendant of the Gnaeus Acerronius whom Cicero mentions in his oration for Tullius, Pro Tullio, from 71BC. BookFiveXXVI Her betrothal to Claudius was broken off c. 8AD. BookSixXXXV Accused of taking Aulus Plautius as her lover. [68] Cassius Dio notes that after Sejanus, no other prefect except Gaius Fulvius Plautianus, who commanded the Guard under Septimius Severus, would rise to such influence. Paulus was Consul in 50BC. This child would become the Emperor Nero. This was true of William Percival Crozier's historical romance The Fates Are Laughing (1945), which was written by a classicist with an eye for detail and set during the fall of Sejanus and the reign of Caligula. A theme throughout the Annals is Sejanus' antagonism towards Agrippina, indicated as early as 1.69. 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