If you take a statistically average group of people (as you need in valid studies) then about 2% will be in the top 2 percentiles of whatever metric you measure. Also forgot to add this. In conclusion, this is all debatable and there are no absolutes. I wonder if the reason there is such a high rate of intuitives in the top 2% is because of content of many IQ tests. So no matter what I will say, or anyone else will say, you will not be convinced that it is possible to rate intelligence. While Introverted Intuition is very magical and very focused, its actually quite inaccurate and bias (in alignment with truth/logical deductions and conclusions) with it's faithful Extroverted Feeling companion. To break down the differences in type this way is a bit too superficial to be accurate. It would be ludicrous to say if there was a race between a very fast person and a very slow person that a) they were the same in skill and b) that the slower person was better, and yet when MBTI and intelligence is discussed, this simple concept is often met with shameful vitriol. It is more likely for an INTJ to be a genius than any other personality type. This "is a very valuable form of intelligence to have in a word of emotional beings," Robledo notes. First of all, it just means that, based on IQ test results, if you have a group of 100 INTPs and a group of 100 people of all types, the INTPs will probably have four geniuses in the group when the other group has two. They exhibit pleasant and sociable traits but can be impatient. In fact, this is considered the INTP's Achilles heel). xhr.send(payload); The way you divided the importance of traits, and I repeat it was wrong to do so, was made on your feelings, which is not the way we write a decent article. Google and my calculator. But I wrote a simple article to illustrate a simple point. And that is the paradox. If you're someone who always has a counter-point for why your theory is wrong, then your theory probably isn't a model of reality but rather a comforting conclusion. In the end, the instructor showed us the actual grouping; the two were an exact tie. Making the objective something everyone wants evens out the playing field a lot. (emotional, social, mathematical, logical, kinestethic, etc). The absolute best you can then say is that maybe being an N type means you are slightly more likely to be marginally smarter than an S type on average. The use of similes and metaphors alone requires creative critical thinking because of the connection between two seemingly unrelated things or ideas. I have gone into more detail in another article as to why this is. Please read more about Jung cognitive functions and how Meyers & Briggs created types by combining them. Yes, some of the greatest companies nowadays could have been made by INTP's, therefore having a great idea behind it, innovative products and all the stuff, but it is the ESFJ's that actually keep the company afloat. Dont forget it is a mean : The highest IQ now is VISHALINI (235) the indian girl INTP ; with Marilyn vos savant (228) who is INTP also. I would agree with you, but for the most influential, i look upon ent, don't get this wrong I am Intp myself, but when it comes to reality, ent always the one that has a charge of anything, entj would be like natural born leader and entp would promote their thougts in charismatic way, well just my 2 cent. I've known dull INTP's, ENTP's, and INTJ's. K~A. Throughout my whole life I have enjoyed building real businesses by solving real problems. Never satisfied but interested in the next new solution or idea. It consisted of zero verses, within zero chapters of zero books, wrapped up in one simple binary, triple-oh sentences: That everything was a paradox; resulting in massive mix-ups, confusions and dupedoms ~ All based on subjective opinions, analyses and frankly, relativism. So because of this relationship I would give I's a slight edge when it comes to intelligence. Estimation of things FP. (Correlation does not imply causation). They prefer situations with a defined hierarchical command structure. MBTI Personality Types As mentioned earlier, there are 16 types that is categorized by the MBTI determined by 4 dimensions as mentioned below: Introversion vs. Extraversion (I/E) This function indicates the source and energy of a person's energy expression. If everyone were completely healthy geniuses the same in every other stat besides mbti, the INTJs would simply be the most drawn to becoming what most people culturally believe to be intelligent, and therefore be the most influential in what most people culturally believe to be intelligence. The personality trait is relatively rare for men, less so for women 3% of the population are ENFJs. My own Stanford-Binet test in Seventh Grade did include sections for evaluation of leadership abilities and hobby interests. They also handle numbers easily. This one is a bit harder to see. Just click the link to it and you will be amazed. A problem I see here is that you're relying solely on your intuitions here but not actually paying any attention to the actual facts. People have absolutely no problem -- no problem at all -- saying that a J is more organized than a P. They don't go, what about the cognitive functions? Emotion is a physiological reaction that is required to process both forms of rationale - of feeling and thinking to reach judgment and decision mechanisms. In addition you're using MBTI when the MBTI does no actual research on the Jungain personality types unlike these people http://cognitivetype.com . I'm surprised people actually talk about this kind of stuff. I put them higher than the ESFJ because they are more quick on their feet. Only problem being they spend so much time having fun. I like the Myers Briggs articles and videos myself. To another it may be mechanical. YOU WONT FIND IT ANYWHERE ON THE INTERNET! It follows the same pattern I am already talking about. In reality, that is what they extravert, or use most in interactions. Others are more logic and mathematical , and there are those who have pleasure at cooking , building houses , fixing cars , organizing files and databases , etc. "There are many different personality types that are considered to be intelligent and it's an interesting topic of debate as to whether intelligence can be measured," Staci Holweger, PhD, founder and doctor of regenerative medicine at Lifepatches, tells Best Life. I think each type and function has it's own unique brand of intelligence you know? Your analysis exhibits a lack of understanding regarding what the Myers-Briggs type actually indicates. I'm loving it to know how some people are getting butthurt by this innocent article. BI chart is kind of redundant though as we know that certain types do not value money or accept it as a measure of success. As I am an N and a scientist I enjoy debating and talking with other N, but only educated/smart people, to discuss on how to improve the world. NF's do use critical thinking as well. This needs to be emphasized because the other stuff really matters very little compared to the S and the N. Are E's or I's more intelligent? The only reason I put them lower than the INTJs is becuase they spend alot of time with people, having fun and influencing people, which wastes time. I'll do something similar. ALthough William James Sidis (254 proved) and Leonardo Da vinci display both the highest IQ and being ENTP, lol i see INTP first. "They live to learn, they keep things factual," Robledo says. Introverted and intuitive, these individuals are among the most intelligent on the scale. With that said, I am of the opinion that reason is above emotion and therefore place T above F. The thing that separates humans from animals and lower species is our intelligence and our reasoning abilities. INTPS are more interested in exploring possibilities, INTJs in solving the problem efficiently. So: personality type can accurately be used to measure how somebody will solve a problem, but when it comes to intelligence it is less accurate - as there are exceptions. Its not smart to procrastinate. ESTPs are energetic thrill seekers with a good sense of humor. If you want to base it on logical and analytical ability, then it's probably the INTP, yet they have a tendency to be exceedingly lazy. INTJs can be dumb , too, and they have their own problems trying to succeed. A P type may be more creative. This is the main reason that he takes the bottom place as he simply doesn't have the life experience to really have the knowledge and intelligence needed to be involved in this world. 7. We seek tools from high level Physics, Math, Stats, etc. So intuatives are generally more intrested in learning than sensors. These individuals are self-disciplined, energized by time alone (Introverted), focus on ideas rather than details, and prefer planning to spontaneity. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. I myself am a strong E, and am also very, very smart. Problem-solving is a simple process, and complex theories make sense. You need to look at these studies as indicative of patterns and trends, not prescriptive of every single person that belongs to each type. The other issue with INTP's is that they lack drive, as do most Perceiving types. The chart floating around on the internet is meant to make those differences appear magnified. I'm an ENFP with a 163 IQ. A score between 30 and 80 is considered normal. that is why they often do better on these exams - Not because of being smarter but because they are great "guessers". INTPs are critical of scientific research where the conclusions are woven for us leaving out the clues and how they got there. Why don't we talk Chakras? navigator.sendBeacon('https://www.google-analytics.com/collect', payload); There are plenty of INTP's who will end up accomplishing little to nothing, and ESF's who have greater mental capacity than INTP's. INFJ Okay heres why I listed them in that order. So if you want the quick way to find the intelligence of somebody just figure out if they are an S or an N. This will take care of most of it. -I divided the traits based on feelings Very interesting indeed. However if asked to solve a problem their emotion may cloud their speed. So that, I think that many agree INFP and INFJ are the so most unpredictable type, expecially INFP. It seems as though they value their intuition more than their thinking preference, and us intj's seem to prefer our thinking more. I would put the smart P's and the smart J's pretty much in the same boat. :-). If that's true, then you are correct in that you list N's as more intelligent than S's, and I's as more intelligent than E's. There is not one valid reason to support this. I've witnessed it firsthand. 12. They value hard work, continuing until a task is completed, regardless of the time. e.g. Fair enough. Personality Solutions MBTI Type Stories: How Each Decider Prefers to Dream Based on Their Cognitive Functions Darius Foroux Save 20 Hours a Week By Removing These 4 Useless Things In Your. People who are introverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging, are more likely to have that "stereotypical" intelligence, Isabelle Robledo, personality expertand co-founder of Making Mindfulness Fun, tellsBest Life. But I suspect his IQ is high despite his M-B profile. They might not be the type you think of when it comes to calculating hard numbers, but they're in-tune with others and innately know how to respond in a crisis. They are not very good with analytical matters but they have a good idea on what to do in most circumstances. There are several theories revolving around the mutual effect of personality and intelligence. 8. And I mean no disrespect -- I actually agree with much that you have said, however now I'm trying to find out why this agreement, could be based entirely on individual and/ or group bias, and I'm just trying to royally rip apart my argument for such assumption And it's working. While they show conservative, conventional, and reserved features, they are also usually amongst the lowest income types and most likely to believe in spiritual powers. We first start with S/N. Well you're clearly not one of them, cause less geniuses than more fail in life. They're slated to shut down by the end of March. So if you're the smartest personality type, don't get your ego up because you may be smart in one way, but not another. It's just a random data without ANY backing. I feel like while they have Fi which can make them sensitive, their analytical mind paired up with their ability to see the posiblities means they know answers to things instantly. T's are more into reason while F's are more into emotion. Two different schools of thought which lead to the same answer. Extroverted people do tend to get more power in society and naturally reach out over others. As an INF, "I" alway push INF to review their weakness, find it out and to fix it. How are you even alive? A score lower than 30 is considered to be on the autism spectrum and cause for concern. In other words, you could have a low IQ man being "T" and high IQ being either P or S or whatever. Ti is very smart due to high logic. What are the facts showing this as wrong? Perceiving. If it's not about letters then why have letters? Wow. They commonly work in religion, teaching, and the arts. They are protective over others who look out for them. Logical and Interpersonal were the lowest. You are simply wrong if you think we're close-minded. These people are "born to lead by default," Puglisi says. this is just the likelihood that someone of your type is a genius, dont let this affect you too much. There are so many things wrong with both this article and the comments it's hilarious. All types are special in one way or another cheers! (My best friend is ESTP and has a full-ride to MIT) MBTI is not a tool to decide who is more intelligent because it's pretty obvious to me that people who are born smart will be smart regardless of how they make decisions. If extrovert-sensor types have developed a way to live in the here and now, leading to everlasting happiness or success, are they not the most intelligent types? Watch on We first need to define what we mean by smart. Conversely, if you have 100 ESFJs in the group, chances are, none of them will have an IQ above 129. According to Robledo, this is thanks to their dominant Te function. You'd have a hard time being understood if you attempted to compliment someone's ability to influence society using the word 'smart'. I personally also believes that society conditions people to be sensors. An ESJ type is more likely to go out there and /do/ things. The smartest is INTP then INTJ and I don't know the order of the rest. We carry out what the "background philosophers" dream about. Generally, this is very useful in scientific fields. INFJ is the rarest type only 2% of the population. Bob is an interesting character, but he certainly struggles with people (and any other type, really) intelligence. ), Er did you perhaps mistook 1 for being the lowest? Being a good social innovator still involves much thinking and can easily be argued as important or even more important than technical innovation. They seemed to be some Great Other who took classes I had no interest in at school. It doesn't matter how smart you are, when you don't use it, there is no difference between you and a dumb person. While the INT will usually reach a conclusion from a technical, more logical approach the INF will usually reach a similar conclusion from an emotional approach. What an excellent article, really well done. | sleekoduck, How Special is Your Snowflake 2.0 | Welcome to PsychoBabble4U, How Far Ahead In Time Can A Lucid Dreamer Really Go? ISFJ- The second to bottom, I put them higher than the ESFP because they know what to do in certain situations, they are sensible like the ISTJs but they know how to heal a person to health, in everyway. 15. Actually, its in there and thats the whole point of the blog. Rarely, if ever, is this possible. To put it in video game terms, it's like a weapon upgrade. as it pertains to all aspects of your daily life. But then again I'm an INFP myself and if it's relating to my type or me as an individual , I personally love studying stuff I can relate and connect with deeply and personally as well as tools which help me understand people and their motives better. Fi is a very illogical function and values are against intelligence. And you know how many times people have followed logic and failed? There are geniuses in every personality type and idiots in every personality type as well. Also, the most basic form of MBTI(The tool you're using) cannot possibly decide the intelligence that they were born with or the hard work they put in in there life to become intelligent. I think, simply through observation that these traits tend to be true. Ni might have more intrest in learning than Ti and Ne. INTPs want to understand the world in all its glorious complexity, and love using others as a sounding board for their brilliant ideas . F turn to T and N turn to S is much easlier than reverse. ENTJ: Thirst for world domination fueled by lust for power. (I am ENTP 147iq) For my personal experiment INTP scores (statistically and i got the figures) generally higher on IQ test despite not seeking to score as highest as possible (because of the P part) so these people are profoundly intelligent, if you take this into account. An hour of reading should bring you to the conclusion that you are heavily under-analyzing this topic because the theory goes much deeper than your current understanding of it. ENTP is a rare personality type, comprising 3% of the general population, 4% of men, and 2% of women. I think intelligence is, as you've stated, a lot more complex than a simple dichotomy, but there are obvious traits that society in general determine as smart. Many of the influential E leaders that we see had influential I philosophers in the background working behind them. They thrive on stress but are prone to anger. On the other hand, the INTPs are extremely difficult to be identified due to their extreme intelligence. From what I have been able to observe, in all the years that I have known them, is that the INFJ is way smarter. INTPs are philosophical innovators fascinated by logical analysis, systems, and universal theory. The same as Enf can be on par with Int. I think IQ is a measure of some cognitive "divergence", but intelligence seem to be nothing more than what people actually perceive and decide to define as intelligence. I'm also basically useless. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); They are also very close. This is awesome, thank you. This accords us a greater degree of control and conspicuity. Existential intelligence involves puzzling over abstract ideas, such as the meaning of life. Regarding your question about EQ, ENFJs and INFJs dominate in this area. Okay, so being smart starts first with N. Then it goes to I. THERE IS NO SOURCE FOR THIS CHART! 4. Arguably the smartest MBTI type. Well, I am anyway because that's how they break ties (for I and N over E and S), seeing as on the official test I scored dead even for both E/I and N/S. The analysis should deal with the cognitive functions and not the letters. So this begs the question, would it be better to have an accurate representation of something that is a little bit lacking (INF) or a less accurate representation of something that is a little bit more true (ENT)? We first need to define what we mean by smart. I never really understood Socionics outside the basics) but they both derive a lot from each other. He described it as a "Two different ways to yield the same processing power" relationship. At a more intellectually devolved and immature state, Es definitely would do better with moving on from thoughts to survive with better efficiency, and F types would definitely be better at emotional motivation. For argument's sake, I'll go with it. I even heard how sensors would pretend to be intuitives in the MBTI Community for some reason. These are the people who breezed through exams at school because they "test well" or who can rattle off every state capital on a whimthey'd likely be your "Phone-a-Friend" on an episode of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. My N score is consistently around 85%. INTP (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving) was Albert Einsteins personality type. INTP? I am somewhat sticking my neck out by putting feelers above thinkers in many of the ways that I do. You're a fucking idiot and this very blog entry proves that you are one. How are you defining what being smart or intelligent as being?? Both of these aspects are extremely necessary and both of these matter greatly in influence. They are also trivia hounds. But, their Ni will bring them far in life. These personalities are brilliant and highly motivated enjoying hard work. Do I not have the potential to reach the same intellectual promise as an INTJ even though we have the same information judgement processes? At least that technically is supposed to measure intelligence! Could it be that Im an ENTJ? ISFP- I put them higher than the others because like many others they have a certain emotional intelligence for visual design. This chart was clearly made up by some random INTP guy. It is about being BOTH. Required fields are marked *. Neither are SP types, but SP types, due to their tendency to just do whatever they want to do in life would still intentionally use their intelligence to support their desire. Both use their rationale in a specific way. My point is [jumping ahead a bit and utilizing gross generalizations to wrap up, since I believe present company can handle it] though Sensors put 'useful' data to use swiftly and iNtuitors read between the lines and go deeper, in the future we may just have to create more advanced IQ-like measurement methods that reveal personal genius framed via type indication. I once partnered with an INFJ managing a State presidential Campaign - My partner was brilliant, and one of the few people to earn my respect - And yet when it came to "Strategic and Positioning" (Guessing) decisions he always deferred to my ENT thinking because he understood we were dealing with relating to many different personalites which the ENT has a natural understanding of. Fe Fi and Se are the least intelligent functions. I think that there is a space for political correctness in certain forms. Sorry mate, but you fail on this one. A recent infographic from Career Assessment Site showed that the size of your salary might have a lot to do with your personality type. I put emphasis on my F type because to me intelligence can mean the knowledge of being able to predict what people want and read between the lines in order to provide it to them. All I'm saying is don't dump your date because you find out they're ESFJ/ESFP, though if you do that's your life I guess. - ESTP/ISTP: Most Skills Smart (Tend to be naturally very good at a lot of things, and are usually the best at hands on making/fixing things) Most coordinated I would have suggested you being sarcastic, tho something in your syntax is suggestive of otherwise, see. I'm just saying that if your friend were an INTJ, with his current emotional intelligence and cognitive ability, he would gain the talent of unlimited perspective, deep critical analytical thinking, and rationality, making him a genius with more effective power. ESFJ This is less common with the S. So when we are dealing with intelligence we are dealing with N's more so than S's. Why not only have cognitive functions? I also responded a while back about the cognitive functions because people love to keep bringing them up as if it somehow magically disproves what I am saying: http://www.slayerment.com/blog/ns-are-smarter-ss-mbti#comment-7009. And that doesn't make it objective nor fair to other personality types. Which Meyers-Briggs Profiles Have the Highest IQ's? (Or maybe you're a god and you're smart in all ways.). (I also have to point out statistics. Te and Si are middle off the road function both highly organised have decent memories especially Si types. Quinton, I respect your opinions on a lot of things but all of this MBTI dominance shit is just fucking crazy. So all in all, influence? Go on, I dare you. "The ENTJ can take in many sources of information and apply it to create a big-picture theory that can be applied to a long term vision," she says, adding that Apple founderSteve Jobsis among some of the most famous ENTJs. For example he mentioned on how F and T can be tyed 50 / 50 but went with T in comparison that pets can love but can't reason like human beings can. People with this type are highly analytical, objective, and logical but able to adapt. Therefore NT types are the smartest, this is their strength, but they can have weaknesses in social skills. Go on, explain to me why that "theory" is accurate, what you have to support it, why it makes any sense at all or how it is anything less than totally arbitrary. "The ESTJ has a gift for seeing what's happening around them (because of their sensing function) and making it more organized," she says. Your ability to cognitively abstract the types beyond the stereotypes that are presented to you despite knowing about the theory behind the letter code, shows that one can indeed be dumb and still be a supposed N, lol. INTJs have a Te function, otherwise known as extroverted thinking. S-types are generally more practical than N types, but are far more rigid. But we can put the two together if you like. Tied with Ne doms as quickest to find patterns) I'd like to look at intelligence as seeing how likely you are in reaching your goals. They are usually found in finance and business, trust authority, and expect obedience. I published this information knowing there are going to be tons of people who get upset about it and disagree with it. Intelligence, like a playground see-saw, is a balancing act. There are a lot of questions relating to abstract thought, something that a very intelligent sensor may struggle with In our gifted program, we often did activities with abstract thinking as well as logical reasoning. It is hard to know. Robledo says that they are generally "favored more in society," largely due to their ability to oversee systems, including those in education and business. Also they mostly only care about themselves, meaning they are unlikely to store any information which doesnt relate to them. Putting feelers above thinkers in many of the population meant to make those appear. And any other type, expecially INFP their extreme intelligence there is a very function... Hand, the intps are philosophical innovators fascinated by logical analysis, systems, and using... Even more important than technical innovation in life think, simply through observation that these tend. You perhaps mistook 1 for being the lowest `` two different ways to the! 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