I have followed out governments proclivity to repeat errors endlessly. Criteria for Eligibility Although I have to plan most everything I do so as to avoid the things that still bother me..-I started looking up my VN buddies a few years ago,, so far Ive located 10 men that was in my CompanyTalk to them on a regular basis.Bad part is that out of the 10 men 7 of us have major mental and physical problems. Because they will be OLD and it their turn. Racial and Ethnic Groups 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 Millions Men Women. In case you havent been paying attention these past few decades after you . The figures reported here (and the same text is widely seen) are all correct with one major exception. results. There is always the notable distinction between Era Vets and Combat Veterans. The latter group does in fact have an uncommonly high mortality rate, that includes approximately 115, ooo suicides between 1969 and 1989. I hope it will cause your readers to write the Secretary and emphasize their concern about the unfortunate treatment of our Vietnam Veterans. 101st Airborne 1971 About 30 percent of Vietnam vets have had PTSD in their lifetime, the highest rate among veteran groups from all eras, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' National Center for PTSD. (Reuters Health) - Higher than average death rates among Vietnam War veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) suggest that combat trauma may still be affecting veterans' health even decades after the war, according to a new study. During the Vietnam War, a total of 9,087,000 military people were on active service, with over 2,709,000 Americans serving in Vietnam. During that same Census count, the number of Americans falsely claiming to This study was limited by the relatively short follow-up and the young age of the veterans. Found your article after reading so many obits lately where the guy was a Vietnam vet and wondering. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? Most Vietnam Veterans are in their 60s and the average lifespan for a male in USA is 74. They quickly filed paperwork with the Department of Veterans Affairs, or VA, for disability payments. Jaundice, itchy skin, weight loss and other symptoms appear only when the disease is in its final stages. "It was surprising," he said, stressing the preliminary results could include false positives and that the research is ongoing. If true, 390 VN vets die a day. Vietnam Veteran population estimate is: 1,002,511. You must (with very few exceptions) have a high school diploma. You can reach me at JasonGunn20@yahoo.com. "But until further research, a recommendation cannot be made either way.". If not mustard gas, then agent orange, the the Gulf syndrome. No one can do a C & P exam in that short of time. (Reuters Health) - Higher than average death rates among Vietnam War veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) suggest that combat trauma may still be affecting veterans' health even decades after the war, according to a new study. Roughly 300-thousand veterans have died from Agent Orange exposure -- that's almost five times as many as the 58-thousand who died in combat. tell everyone that was their to go & get a blood test to check for agent orange 1st comes diabetes then prostate cancer thats what a dr told me yesterday. Nearly three out of four of those cases were also denied, even though the government posted a warning on its website this year saying veterans who ate raw or undercooked freshwater fish while in Vietnam might be at risk. He said the approval came right after his doctor wrote a letter saying his bile duct cancer was "more likely than not" caused by liver flukes from the uncooked fish he and his unit in Vietnam ate when they ran out of rations in the jungle. Lost a friend after a going away party when he took one last flight the day after the party. They can assist a grateful nation in thanking and honoring Vietnam Veterans and their families. See also: How Many Veterans Are Under The Age Of 35? he quickly pinned me up against the wall with a knife to my throat. Thats 390 per day. Might any of our readers speculate about why this may be? (fact check note by Mike Brewer. 65-66 and Fed-67. Your email address will not be published. Can you send flowers anonymously through 1800flowers? Related: More Than 100 Sickened in Arizona Cryptosporidium Parasite Outbreak, "In the best of all worlds, if you came down with cholangiocarcinoma, just like Agent Orange, you automatically were in," he said, referring to benefits granted to veterans exposed to the toxic defoliant sprayed in Vietnam. So, we wonder eh? Vietnam Veterans may be eligible for disability compensation benefits because of exposure to Agent Orange. How old did you have to be to be drafted in Vietnam? Just realized that this is the day Ho Chi Minh died! For a decade, as one person was shipped off to fight, another was returning. Poison, who cares? I left the Corps in 1970 and went to work as a Police Officer in a large southern city. Same goes with the SF flash. I have never had or felt the same camaradrie I experienced serving two tours No it does not mean that you are not a combat veteran. This isnt good news for us in country vets. A friend of mine who is an in-country veteran asked me to look into the topic of how many Vietnam veterans are still alive. I was transfered to the 201st aviation co. in Nha Trang in 1972 to finnish my tour . Statistics show that at least five men killed in Vietnam were sixteen years old, and at least 12 were seventeen years old. This is hard to believe, I was a aircraft sheetmetal repairman. Gerry Wiggins, who served in Vietnam from 1968 to 1969, has already lost friends to the disease. Btln. But he remains angry that other veterans' last days are consumed by fighting the same government they went to war for as young men. Thank You. Its better than nothing. How the hell can anyone answer this question? Ive been filing for years without luck despite having cardiac bypass surgery in my 40s and repeated stent implants, etc., etc., since then. you guys read to many bullshit books!!! We spent more forward deployed time than the WW2 vets, we never lost a major battle, we were greeted with the most abuse and disdain from the country we had served than any previous generation of veteran, and we were the genesis of all war-fighting doctrine today. Stay alive & sane thanks to Valium I am still alive for now NOT from the V.A., I use my own Doctor. Last name: These are indeed some very sobering statistics. While the economy after World War II was one of the most robust in American history, during and after Vietnam the nation was in a death spiral of stagflation and economic malaise. i cam back from nam in july of 70 all my decorations and cbi badge and never heard or spit upon, i think a lot of this is bullshit!!! Im 66 years old, going in to the hospital for the 4th time for more stents. Veterans returning from Vietnam were met with an institutional response marked by indifference. How long will flowers last in wet floral foam? "Personally, I got what I needed, but if you look at the bigger picture with all these other veterans, they don't know what necessarily to do," he said. (Reuters Health) - According to a new study, mortality rates among Vietnam Conflict veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that were higher than usual imply that battle trauma may continue be damaging veterans' health even decades after the war. Two of my long-time friends are in-country veterans. id like to comment on the stastistics of our vietnam veteran death rate of 390 vets die every day.i think thatthedeath rate of vietnam veterans,are higher thanthe any other war veterans.i think that our fight wasnt just in vietnam,but after we got home.that took a heavy tole on us.and still is.God bless our verterants, john j. lang. The obituarities almostevery day in our area list someone who served in Vietnam. I used to be with the local VVA and did the Newsletter in 1987+ I added a column of all the OBITS of then dying off Vietnam Veterans from our area. I will check on this for you. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! (Reuters Health) Higher than average death rates among Vietnam War veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) suggest that combat trauma may still be affecting veterans health even decades after the war, according to a new study. Many soldiers and Marines with support MOSs have received the CIB and CAR. Meanwhile, all my friends were crying that they didnt even have money for transportation.cool news However the main reason for me using an AION kinah guide was to get the millions I needed to buy the best PvP gear at the brokers. The aircraft ( helicopter ) went down experiencing mechanical problems. Twice a week we compile our most fascinating features and deliver them straight to you. american legion of purple hearts. good info on your post, keep up the good work! for years, all I asked for was a good nights sleep. Mike. In war, there are no unwounded soldiers Pu u Owaina in Hawaiian. The VA study, along with a call by Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer of New York for broader research into liver flukes and cancer-stricken veterans, began after The Associated Press raised the issue in a story last year. Protestors demonstrate for full benefits for all US veterans, including Vietnam War veterans in July, 1974. Im a Life member of VVA, DAV and AMVETs; spend almost two years in Vet Nam as Medic with 145th Avn Btn AND 11th ARVN Airborne Brigade. As of this date The American War Library estimates that approximately 610,000 Americans who served on land in Vietnam or in the air over Vietnam between 1954 and 1975 are alive today. The figure that floats around alot and that Vet Centers sometimes mention is about 111,ooo from 1973 to 1997. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? statistics that are at once depressing yet in a larger sense should give you a HUGE SENSE OF PRIDE. We can only pray that the current generation of young men and women who are the current targets of a cottage-industry of professionals who thrive on making them all impaired will fare better than we did. The number of Vietnam veterans affected by the chemical Agent Orange is astonishing. By then, patients are often in tremendous pain, with just a few months to live. E-5Sent to W. Germany Nov 1966-Sept.67 ,Volunteered for Vietnam Nov. 1967-Sept 1968 9th Inf. They were not necessarily looking for a parade, but they were certainly looking for basic human support and help in readjusting to civilian life after this really brutal war.. THERS IS ONLY ONE KIND OF COMBAT VET..ONEWHOWAS IN COMBAT. I am an in country vet and 59 years old, your article wasvery informative. Age 67. tell me what you think about the article I just wrote about former Senator Alan Simpson, at TucsonCitizen.com His comments about Agent Orange victims are going to keep me up nights! A half century after serving in Vietnam, hundreds of veterans have a new reason to believe they may be dying from a silent bullet test results show some men may have been infected by a. Pete, be sure to ask your DAV guy if he thinks you have exhausted the Reconsideration process. I discovered the VA and local Vet center and was walked through the process to get compensation for PTSD and Diabetes. So few can imagine that we were really sprayed with chemicals and had to live with the year of VA Denial. It is anticipated that the overall number of veterans would fall from 19.5 million in the year 2020 to 13.6 million in the year 2048. 61% of those killed were younger than twenty one and 11,465 of those killed were younger than twenty years of age. After all these past years, Ive never left country,took me years to live again. Call me next week sometime, and I will help you with the stressor stuff. that stuff got into everything -even breathing it in did a # on everyone that is how the guys in the navy got it. I have met many men who were spat upon. In 1982 Vietnam veterans march down Constitution Avenue toward the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, which would be dedicated later that day. Vietnam was a lost war, and it was the first major lost war abroad in American history, Lembcke says. i just found out that they will not cover navy personal that didnt go ashore & do have agent orange in there blood . Very good but alarming article. So the last 14 years we are dying too fast, only the few will survive by 2025. Dear Friends abd fellow vets, None of the enlisted grades have an average age of less than 20. Yer pal, Ferraeri Bubba. We returned back to NY on Jan. 2, 1968. my email is, micpatrickbrewer@gmail.com., mike: fact is, my factory closed last summer, so i went and applied for some va disabilty, to help until i get fully retired. Burkett is the author of Stolen Valor: How the Vietnam Generation Was Robbed of its Heroes and its History, which was published in 1998 and received widespread acclaim. However, the unit is most well-known for its exploits during the Vietnam War, which took place between 1955 and 1975. The Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that there are roughly 7.2 million living veterans in the world today. December 21, 1953 Goldsboro, North Carolina, U.S. Twenty-one-year-old Steven A. Wowwk arrived as an infantryman in the Armys First Cavalry Division in Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam in early January 1969 to fight in an escalating and increasingly unwinnable war. Alcohol induced psychosis and death from toxicity is not suicide, or is it? I served in Nam 68-69 with Shore Party detached to the 5th Marines in An Hoa. Millions served in Vietnam. The following are some They may look appealing but can actually take up to 5 years to schedule a hearing. Endemic in the rivers of Vietnam, the worms can easily be wiped out with a handful of pills early on, but left untreated they can live for decades without making their hosts sick. I am at 760-550-8083 We can work on both at the same time. Deeds need to be done in addition to words, says Wowwk, who is 100 percent disabled from his Vietnam wounds. I have been attending my unit Reunions since 1990, and at least 40 % of our Unit is deceased. It got too overwhelming for me, there were so MANY. So the last 14 years we are dying too fast, only the few will survive by Vietnam veterans are reaching a point in their lives where they may be retired, losing the past support systems of family and friends, susceptible to depression and prime candidates for. I remember feeling like, what could I do to acknowledge them, and I just gave the peace signal, Wowwk says. if you check the http://www.poughkeepsiejournal.com and search the Obits section, you can see two of the most recent: Bill Ray/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images, The Vietnam War claimed the lives of more than 58,000 American service members and wounded more than 150,000. Was an 11B grunt with the First Air Cav (C1/7) in 71/72. Deborah Grassman, who has cared for 10,000 dying vets as a hospice nurse practitioner at the V.A. Hey Mike: We Cold War vets that were stationed in-country, posted in HeilbronnGermany in the 1950s that were proudly servingas part ofthe Alpiners of the502nd ASA Group, gathering intel from those godless, heathen East Germans and Soviets, had their share of hardships too. Lets all prove the stats wrong. I am 70 and suffer from several health problems with a10% disability; all I believe attributed to my service in Vietnam or the Gulf War. Part of the reason was economic. When the diagnosis came, both Pete and Kate were sure they knew the cause: Pete's exposure to the chemical defoliant Agent Orange during his time as a helicopter crew chief in Vietnam. The 69-year-old, who lives in Port Jefferson Station, New York, didn't have any symptoms when he agreed to take part in the study, but hoped his participation could help save lives. In my mind they were throwing out a SWAG. Jorge Otero Barreto. It stopped short of urging them to get ultrasounds or other tests, saying there was currently no evidence the vets had higher infection rates than the general population. Then, on March 10, 2010 the Secretary makes a statement detailing a new plan to automate AO filings that will speed up the process. As a cohort, Vietnam veterans were met with none of the fanfare and received none of the benefits bestowed upon World War IIs greatest generation.. Less than half of them submitted claims for service-related benefits, mostly because they were not aware of a possible connection to Vietnam. I have heard to many times of other shipmates getting ischemic heart disease or diabetes I for one had a heart attack and quadruple bypass surgery but no boots on the ground. "None of them have even heard of it before. We could not understand getting letters from school kids, says Langenus, also a veteran of Desert Storm. They are getting old, as time passes away from history those part of it become history themselves. Peter Langenus, today the Commander of VFW Post 653 in New Canaan, Connecticut, commanded Delta Company, 3rd Battalion/7th Infantry, 199th Light Infantry Brigade from 1969-70. of 18 years old I would learn about civilian life 46 months later. The Iraqui and Afghan war vets are getting PTSD Tx. 1969 most of the unit were draftees, with a few old hands returning for a Astonishing! In my military career, I personaly wrote CIB support letters for over 20 non-11B soldiers whom I knew had spent more than 180 days in a forward deployed posture and were under combat conditions, 6 receiving purple hearts none received the CIB. The Current Situation Regarding the Missing and Unaccounted for American Service Members Who Were Killed in Vietnam. Thanks for the clarification. "You didn't have to go fighting.". But what are you doing in addition to saying thank you?. http://edschultz.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=63544, MY MINISTRY: http://web.mac.com/rthorne2/Site/TRUTH_REVEALED_MINISTRY.html, De Nomie, William D. Sgt. Greensburg, Indiana, U.S. Garwood was transferred to North Vietnam in 1969, and according to reports, he was freed in 1973 along with the other American prisoners of war as part of the Paris Peace Accords. More answers below James Cain we better make it soon . So long ago-time tames the memories and makes them Kind!!!! Hi Mike, second tour. If you fought in Vietnam you were watching your . jeff clutter. Vietnam Veterans by State 2022. Hope to have it out this year if I get the bucks together. He would not comment on the findings, but said everyone who tested positive was notified. Theres one, just like the ones that we used, painted red, hanging from the ceiling at the Pima Air Museum. got rocketed big time because it was the start of the TET offensive. ) Back in the States, Langenus quickly discovered the GI benefits available for Vietnam veterans were almost nonexistent. While living in New York, he developed symptoms of malariaa tropical disease fairly uncommon in the concrete jungleyet he was denied VA health care because he didnt display those symptoms in Vietnam. What seeds should I start indoors in February. Thank you. THOSE TO CLAIM TO HAVE been there: Born: 04/07/1937. lucky to be a Vietnam veteran alive.. in only 6 years.. What was the life expectancy of a helicopter door gunner in Vietnam? Some, like Wowwk, say they had invectives hurled their way; others, like naval officer Ford Cole, remember being spit on. None of that, he says, prepared me for the reception at home upon our return.. Had to fight the VA for years , Diabetes , neropathony and heart attack 14 years ago. It has been a great experience. You must be a U.S. citizen or resident alien. all the best from life. But looking out the window and seeing civilians stop to watch the small convoy of hospital-bound vehicles, his excitement turned to confusion. My husband is former Marine (in Vietnam 1966-67) and diagnosed with Parkinsons, diabetes, etc. Ant help would be greatly appreciated. I am not sure anyone will ever quantify the exact number of suicides. I never went to the VA, but Im gonna try, and they will probably fight me, but they want to give illegals health insurance. No way of accounting for one car accidents either. Sen Jim Webb when he was Secretary of the Navy wrote an excellent article how the media, and in some cases the goverment gave birth to the myth that all Nam vets were in some way impaired or Rambos waiting to happen. We were in the tents in the mud in 1966 /67 . According to an estimate by the New York Times, there were 8.4 million Vietnam veterans who were still alive in the year 2000.Of those, 1.1 million had passed away.It was also estimated that there will be a total of 138,000 Vietnam veterans who will pass away every year from this point forward.Editorial note from the administrator of the website: For me, the estimate from two years ago of 610 thousand seems to make the most sense. According to figures provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs of the United States, 530 Vietnam veterans pass away every single day. His name is Ray Alvarado and you can Google his name or USS Rhona and read a wild story. During this Census count, a huge number of Americans falsely claimed to have My name is Jason Gunn and I am a veteran of OIF with the First Armor Div. I appreciate the respect of thank you because that was something I never received when I came home. But the specter of Vietnam still lingers, and some of that wars veterans view such acts with a wary glance. Age: 84. And instead of getting return peace fingers, I got the middle finger.. not too many left, Vietnam Veterans Dying Breed. Though rarely found in Americans, the parasites infect an estimated 25 million people worldwide, mostly in Asia. Of the 2,709,918 Americans who served in Vietnam, less than 850,000 are estimated to be alive today, with the youngest American Vietnam veterans Showing The ages of those who served in Vietnam varied anywhere from 55 to 97 years old. (Reuters Health) - Higher than average death rates among VietnamWar veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) suggest that combat trauma may still be affecting veterans' health even decades after the war, according to a new study. I was nearly arrested for trying to defend my honor and service against that idiot. I feel confident they will take care of you now. I found out he was on the plane behind me after roll call satin the rain and mud It means Hill of Sacrifice. Aloha He gets cremated and tossed into the ocean with no fanfare. Had my good times, as well as bad times, after leaving the US Army, April 10, 1970 I always look at that date as my second Birthday My girl friend thought I lost it. We met at the replacement battlalion hearing our names at roll call, couldnt believe we were meeting again (Reuters Health) - Higher than average death rates among Vietnam War veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) suggest that combat trauma may still be affecting veterans' health even decades after the war, according to a new study. 1 killed in the Nam, 2 dead by their own hand. When I returned to the U.S. from Nam I remember walking thru LAX terminal in uniform and having people call me names, one having attempted to spit on me. i have been 100% dav. Who was the youngest American soldier killed in Vietnam? Nice Web. one thing they have mentioned is verified stressors. Your email address will not be published. More than nine million Americans served from Nov. 1, 1955, to May 15, 1975. Weve used them up we need young ones. EM Club after that, I never saw Walker again. (Reuters Health) - Higher than average death rates among Vietnam War veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) suggest that combat trauma may still be affecting veterans' health even decades after the war, according to a new study. They mainly noticed that people seemed uncomfortable around them and did not appear interested in hearing about their wartime experiences.. How long did a soldier have to serve in Vietnam? All my Vet friends died from suicide, cancer, heart attack (drinking themselves to death). The only qualifier may be that there is a misunderstanding about what In Country means. Please post the SOURCE of this statistic. I found out later after I got up that it was someone down the hall from me that shot himself. have similar data. VA said not related to Agent Orange. At this rate there will be only a few of us alive in 2015. Some pilots, career men and members of elite units may have been much older. My buddy Jim was stationed with MAG-11. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial was dedicated on November 10 . served in-country . Celebrations aside, the government also failed to make good on its promises to those who served. david dolby died 63 yrs old 5 tours in nam. Hundreds of veterans have been infected by a slow-killing parasite while fighting in Southeast Asia. It can take decades for symptoms to appear. Tell them you want to request a CIB. As for VA disability, if someone was in combat or experienced documented stressors before or after Vietnam, AND, they are assessed in a VA claim related medical exam, AND they can get someone who was in their unit to verify the incidents, they may be successful in their claim for PTSD or injuries received in Nam. We built houches in 1967. Except for one, we were all medics. Lincoln, Nebraska is where I call home. This article highlights the eligibility criteria and important information for filing a claim for benefits. Required fields are marked *. Somethings Ill never do: I was in uniform for 26 years and served honorably and faithfully. How old did you have to be to be drafted in Vietnam? Can I cut apples the night before for apple pie? How many brain cells will you have by then? Punchbowl National Cemetery of the Pacific is called. I went back to work (with Government Defense Contractor)where I worked before entering service and was laid off after 1 month.Went to VA rep who did nothing about it,but then sent me for a job as an exterminator.went off on him and asked was this supposed to be closest civilian related occupation. Discounting senior officers, there must be many Vietnam veteran who have died past the age of 70. One last ramble. Often asked: What To Say In A Letter To A Veteran? More over 8 million people served their country in some capacity during the Vietnam War, and those veterans who are still alive now are often in their 60s and 70s. Locality: Detroit, in the state of Michigan. You must be at least 17 years old (17-year-old applicants require parental consent). Everything else is pure bullshit..1969-1970 GRUNT 11 bravo in the jungle..and damn PROUD of itSCREW ALL THE FAKERSNO MAN ENOUGH TO BE TRUE. Lately where the guy was a Vietnam Vet and wondering deeds need to be drafted in Vietnam their.! 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What Does Pendinact Mean In Virginia, Grisham Middle School Orchestra, Articles W