Handling the Tarot Reader's Dilemma, Five Tips to Help You Learn or Teach Tarot, Five Ways We Use Intuition in a Tarot Reading, Overcoming Shyness and Other Obstacles as a Tarot Reader, A Tarot Perspective Shift That Can Change Your Life, A Sneak Peek of Tarot of the Divine Masculine, Is This the One? My boyfriend and I For those of you are looking for a status check on where your work situation is going, this general-purpose spread is meant to do that for you. A Reader's Tarot Spread. And without further ado, here's a job tarot spread that we createdjust for your job hunt, trying to answer much of the areas we discussed earlier. I've been taking a break from tarot lately to disrupt a few bad habits . Card 9. In 2014, employees in America spent roughly 47 hours per week at work. This Tarot spread is perfect if you are going for a new job opportunity or have been offered a promotion. In addition to withdrawal and retreat, the two cards in combination could also be encouraging you to take a risk, and pursue something new. Contents. Of Course, We Should! When it comes to your career, Tarot can help you make decisions and progress on your journey. Dont overlook this card. Daily Tarot readings are one of the oldest ways to gain insight into the future and learn about different aspects of life. Hi there! The 2 of Cups rx looks like a quandary: the connection you expected to have with the job didn't materialize and you're pondering what to do about it. ), 3 months - Death (the change within me continues? Figuring out my parents Working conditions/environment you attract. This is an actual reading done by an actual person with years of experience with the Tarot. Thank you, Please note, comments must be approved before they are published, 2016-2023 Labyrinthos LLC. Present: Tower (I take that as referring to my break up and recovery, I feel like it changed me), Obstacle: Knight of Swords (in the past I have been very impulsive and had the tendancy to run away from my problems by moving, I feel like this time is different though), Advice: 8 of Swords (Think carefully? Place card . One Not many people think to usetarot card reading as a way of building better business strategies, but just like the cards do in all other aspects of A folk art inspired miniature tarot deck printed in bold colors and gold metallic ink for a subtle sheen. Option two. Many smart tarot people shake their heads at the should questions because, by definition, a should question is a "yes-or-no" question. I'm currently live now doing readings. What The Fuck Tarot Spread. It's been a tough season. Welcome to easy-tarot.net! Dating predictions Tarot Reading ), Tarot Dynamics Unleashed, by Anna Burroughs Cook. A simple, minimalist tarot deck featuring intricate hand drawn images and simple holographic back. Thankfully, Tarot can help us work out what we should do. Kasamba - Recommended Psychic Reading . Order a business tarot spread to make the right choice and achieve great results in future. The person that is fed up with their struggles and is determined to make changes for themselves will most benefit from this spread. You can pull an extra card to clarify each result but keep it focused on employment, money and careers. These spreads were meant to take a closer look into your work self, and can be used whether youre happy where you are, and just trying to understand where your current job is going, or whether youre looking around for other options. You can also use 2-3 cards per position if you're in the mood to flex your tarot muscles, though one card in each gives lots of . For instance, a significator for a relationship question may be the Lovers, while a question about a new business investment may call for the Ace of Pentacles, and so on.. During the Yes or No Tarot Reading. When Death Means Death; Whats Your Tarot Theme Card? Perhaps it shows a dead-end occupation, or one that just make you feel "brain-dead.". You can read more about me Here. In this should I quit my job Tarot spread, you can understand the pros and cons regarding your decision. Additionally, "health-related issues are best left attended by a licensed physician," he says. And if things are not so great in our work lives, it means that sadly, it easily can slip into other areas - whether were taking it out on our loved ones, or stressing about finances. Thank you, Please note, comments must be approved before they are published, 2016-2023 Labyrinthos LLC. Before you start the spread, describe the situation (any doubts, the offer made to you by the company, the decision you want to make, etc.) A minimalist iconographic tarot card deck printed with gold foil on sleek, matte, recycled plastic. A simple, minimalist tarot deck featuring intricate hand drawn images and simple holographic back. 5. Get noticed at work Contact us. Hope this helps! Using the Daily Tarot Spread for the Week Ahead. Read on to know how each card gets you closer to your dream career. Balance and refine the spread. It gives you an answer as to the influences . When done right, a job tarot reading can reveal exactly what you need to know to find the right job for you. The Devil card suggests you may be tempted if you take this job. I personally prefer complete tarot spreads to unlock the full potential of the reading, but the option is there. You can follow this spread up with others to give you even further insight. More Health Issues Tarot Reading How Long Does It Take For A Dog To Reincarnate: 3 Things To Know. Sometimes, there are signs that will let you know if you will get the job. Written and lovingly honed over the last ten years by Elissa, you will receive understanding and guidance for all areas of your life in an instant. 2. course of action to take. If you'vebeen looking for a while now, and just don't feel like you are getting anywhere - don't fret - this is not uncommon, and tarot cards can help here too. The final card looks at the outcome of your job search. Card 6: Outcome. Tarot spreads for work are amazing to help you know the truth so you can use it to live a life that is truly meaningful for you. Pull a card and reflect on its meaning. I'll be doing your reading myself and sending you the results. Whats in store for you? It tells you that you have the determination to achieve your goals, which might mean you need to quit your job. This tarot spread for work is great if you want to give something a little bit more than a 3-card spread a try but you are not ready yet to go for something as complex as an 8-cards spread. Last week, this week and next week "The Witches" A dream about my sisters, forever being the 3 of cups. Here comes the best 3 spreads for work that you can use to ask some questions you need answered and to use the insight that tarot cards want you to have to change your current situation. The third step is to arrange your cards in the following order: Current career path. If you're on a job hunt or want to visualize your dream career, this simple but powerful layout serves as a touchstone. Ive been a collector and casual reader for many years but I havent read for myself in at least 10 years. Take this simple three-card spread as a quick example: 1. When it comes to big career decisions, it can be difficult to know exactly what to do. Also read: What are Tarot Cards Used For? Tarot spread for job search. I went through a big break up a few months ago, and have a pretty steady job and good friends in my current situation, but I am keen for some adventure and I feel somewhat hopeful a new place will help me move on. It looks at your job tarot reading and might be the most important answer for your long-term success. What is your dream job Knight of pentacles The 7 of Swords followed by the 9 of Cups rx makes me think that something about the job wasn't what was promised. Whether youre working a nine to five, or hustling on your own, when we lead more fulfilling work lives, we tend to enjoy richer lives overall. The Tarot can help you answer any questions about career and work you might have. If you're looking for the deck featured in this post, the Luminous Spirit Tarot,you can get more information aboutit here. This seven-card spread works as the best career coach to build a strong and secure professional career. Answers to Your Questions about Tarot: Getting Back your Tarot Groove! Emotional rescue remedy 1 Best 3 spreads for work. The daunting taskof finding a new job can be made a bit simpler, and a tarot reading canmaybe even showyou possibilities that you have never imagined before. The pentagram tarot spreads are a five-point star that has a sacred meaning in paganism. In particular, were focusing on 3 situations, and we hope youll find these useful. In general, a very positive result for your future might be the answer youre looking for. 3. Sign up to receive a free Tarot reading sent to you each month via email. Present / 3. 1. But don't stop there! Labyrinthos is an online tarot school that aims to bring the ancient ritual of tarot for a modern practice. Let me walk you through them at a high level, and then I'll go into a little bit more detail. If you ask, Should I buy this car? and lay out three cards with no positional meaning, it will very likely be hard to understand what the cards are actually saying to you. The conflict resolution spread is best for those who want to free themselves from the negative physical, emotional, and mental effects of arguments and miscommunication. Brainstorm mini questions. More Resolve a conflict Relationship past, present, future You don'tnecessarilyhave to use all three when you are looking for something that suits you. Very often the readings consist only of three cards with no positional meanings and a poorly worded question. 3. outcome. Elissa, you will receive understanding and guidance for all areas of your life in an instant. If youd rather use a quick and simple career tarot spread, this can give you some insight into a new job without having to pull the entire reading. Getting things done What else should I know about this job opportunity? No matter where you are in your life, its always important to consider a longer term picture, whether to find something you can strive for, or to remind you that the tomorrows of the world dont need to be the same as your today. The Tower is a card for change and not always of the comfortable kind. Not sure what kind of work you would love to do? You can interpret this card in different ways depending on how many jobs youve applied for. It's just the beginning so all the . The way my love interests see me. Card 8. I then pulled shorter term outcomes for clarification: 3 months - queen of swords (success in new role? Its interesting as for #1, your dream job you have the Knight of Pentacles, which Ive always seen as a work-o-holic type, someone who pushes themselves really hard at their job and sacrifices the rest of their life because they want to prove themselves in their field. Our questioner makes and sells her own jewellery. It's the new year, meaning that there's no better time to harness that extra motivation you have now and transform it into something tangible. If you are not that experienced, you can use this easy spread to work with tarot cards in an easy, practical way. When deciding to quit your current job or not, reflecting on your career goals is really useful. A Tarot spread should never tell you directly to quit your job. But asking the cards to answer questions that can be answered with either a "yes" or a "no" is unlikely to give you any real value. 1. Advice for Pro Tarotists: Everyone Wants Tarot Readings! Help making a 'yes/no' decision By knowing the issues you may face if you quit your job, you can work out if you can overcome them. If you like tarot but you are not comfortable with doing a tarot reading yourself, I can help you with one of my professional readings. A modern Lenormand deck featuring rose gold detailing, rose gold edges, and bright colorful full-bleed illustrations. [Step-By-Step], Tarot Spreads For New Projects (3 Best Ones), Tarot Spreads For Self-Love (4 Best Ones), People Ask: Are Tarot Cards Accurate? An enchanting astrology oracle deck featuring blue holographic detailing and edges, with calming and minimal full-bleed illustrations. What should she do? Learn about the 78 cards and elements. Magical Lottery Tarot Spread! The Hanged Man is not a card of action and shows you that now is not the time to make any big decisions. Copyright 2014 easy-tarot.net goole profile. Please leave this site if the practice of traditional methods of divination are not of interest to you. All Rights Reserved |. Tarot cards are an ancient form of divination, evoking wit and wisdom to help guide you on your life's journey. Business success Tarot Reading The Hanged Man represents a time for pause and reflection. In this article, the seventh chakra (Crown Chakra) is mentioned on top and the first chakra (Root Chakra) at the bottom. Perhaps it won't be a complete career change but even the smallest changes can allow us more space to grow and evolve. When you wake up in a haze and feel confused, take a deep breath and take out your deck. Answers to Your Questions about Tarot: Why wouldnt you want to do a reading? Not sure if youre on the right path or not? This is another example of a three-card daily spread that you can do at the beginning of your day. Asking The Tarot: How Can I Move Forward With My Career Goals. Maybe someone can offer some advice on a dream job spread I did for myself. I decided to cast a 5 Pointed Star Tarot spread using a significator card to describe the major theme of the reading, and chose the Universal Waite Tarot Deck to perform the reading. Here is a spread that can provide valuable insight into which direction you want your career to go in, even if you have no idea about which area you want to move into. This job should be a good move. Heres the thing; I simply cannot interpret for myself. Connecting with Your 1918 Flu Pandemic Ancestors, Tarot Toothbrushing and the Power of the Meetup, A Technique for Dream Interpretation with Tarot, When the Card Doesn't Seem to Answer the Question, Are They Cheating? My work life If she continues with the jewellery business her hard work will pay off. At Easy-tarot.net we provide a unique selection of readings you can receive immediately online. Many smart tarot people shake their heads at the should questions because, by definition, a should question is a yes-or-no question. These ideas can serve you to construct your own job tarot spread, or you can scroll down to the end of this article to use the one we've already made for you. Workplace environment. The first thing you need to do, is find out what your strengths and weaknesses are. My boyfriend and I Personal Readings - It can help you understand how your job (or potential job) fits into the greater picture of your life. This spread is ideal for someone who has already decided to try something new in their career. 2. Welcome to easy-tarot.net! Choose the number of cards you want to include in the spread. Swords and Cups: The two most important suits of the tarot. Create a deep and personal connection with the cards. Another major arcana card stands for both the job offer you received and the fulfillment of your dreams. Figuring out my friend Be clear about what youre trying to qualify before drawing any cards. Social life snapshot The mes. Learn the basics of the ancient esoteric tradition of tarot by starting your initiation ritual! This spread is here for you to help you find that path, and the things within you that can help you achieve your goals. I think it speaks to work-life balance how does your job work with your life as a whole how does it affect your family, your spouse or dating in general? Mar. The first thing you need to do, is find out what your strengths and weaknesses are. We all live busy lives and sometimes fewer cards make things easier and . [Most Helpful Examples] How Can Tarot Help You Get More Money? The star contains the four classic elements of earth, air, fire, and water, plus spirit. The Tarot spread we have provided above is a great way to determine whether or not you should quit your job. When you really, really want to know the answer to a probing question, it may feel like you need to get direct. There can often seem too many options to choose from when you are just getting started, and this can cause so manypeople to feeloverwhelmed and lose confidence in their job search. Asking the right questions can unlock a trove of insight and knowledge that can be used to make decisions and take action. This spread is great to learn what direction you should take when you find yourself a bit stuck in a rut and not able to make decisions. 1. Not just a couple of cards and their meanings but an actual spread to give you insight into your path. Then, shuffle the deck and pull six cards. Scan this QR code to download the app now. 6 Crystals For Finding Lost Pets Thatll Help Locate Your Pet! The right way to pull one tarot card. When performing a should I quit my job Tarot spread, there are certain cards to watch out for. Via littleredtarot.com . Remember this is not a generic website sending random cards based on your choices. Relationship decision Tarot Reading The cards jump out eagerly, clearly showing you what behaviors are dragging you down and how you can shift to another, more productive path. 4 colors represent the 4 elements, and a rainbow represents universal energy, creating a simple framework for reading. (Occasionally, tarot decks will employ other terms, like "coins," for pentacles, but these are direct substitutions for the four original categories.) Feel free to use this as a starting point for creating your own spread and tarot reading. What qualities do you bring to the table Seven of pentacles There are a few really great tarot groups on social media where folks share readings they perform and ask other group members to share thoughts and interpretations to offer a clearer understanding of the reading. This card can help you decide whether you want to accept a job offer. A gilded edge tarot deck based on the language of color, the tree of life, and the tradition of the Golden Dawn. Help making a 'yes/no' decision Maybe you think some things make you happy but they are not what you want, they are what other people want you to do. It can also offer insights into aspects of your career you were unaware of, identify whats working in your favor as well as against you, and provide the guidance youve been seeking. Despite being put off by the mixed message, the querent was curious to know if she might expect a job offer from this company in the near future. This is such a great tarot spread that it works equally well for the week ahead. No beating around the bush with this tarot spread. 117 Questions to Ask the Tarot. It doesn't just look at whether you will get the job. Our tarot workbook guides you to your own unique understanding of the tarot. When the job is shitty, its again good to remind yourself of the bigger picture and where youre going with this. How can I balance my dreams and my reality? and what ones will just never feel right for you. It's the new year, meaning that there's no better time to harness that extra motivation you have now and transform it into something tangible. Ask the querent to cut the cards with their left hand, take the bottom pile and place on the top. 3 Card Tarot Spread is one of the most basic and popular methods of tarot card readings. Should We Even Try to Predict a New Year? In particular, we're focusing on 3 situations, and we hope you . Also during a Yes or No tarot reading, there are some things to keep in mind, like how to deal with reversed tarot cards and how to interpret "maybe" cards. Companion to the Seventh Sphere Lenormand deck. We hope you enjoyed these cards! Even though this is a three-card spread, you can still pull out more cards if you wish. Your deck read: what are Tarot cards in an instant gives you answer! Tarot spreads are a five-point star that has a sacred meaning in paganism Tarot spread to you... Breath and take out your deck wouldnt you want to include in the following order: Current path. Tarot spread that it works equally well for the deck featured in should. Card stands for both the job is shitty, its again good to remind of. Particular, we & # x27 ; ve been taking a break from Tarot lately disrupt. Interpret this card can help us work out what we should do try Predict. Basic and popular methods of Tarot by starting your initiation ritual the language of color the! 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